UT Drupal Kit

Disruption to previously recommended Twitter timeline alternative

On June 7, 2023 in the post “Disruption to UT Drupal Kit Twitter feed functionality,” we announced that the Twitter API used for the UT Drupal Kit’s implementation of embedding Twitter timelines had stopped functioning, and blocks created using that functionality were no longer returning any tweets for display.

As a replacement, we recommended use of Twitter Publish, which offers a free, simple interface for users to create embeddable Twitter feeds. But as of July 5, 2023, it appears that Twitter Publish is not functioning. We have been able to find reports of this problem from other users, but there have been no public announcements from Twitter about the status or future of this service.

While there is no confirmation that these issues are related, Twitter recently announced rate limits on Tweet consumption, which have impacted third-party services such as TweetDeck. Our working theory is that these rate limits are even impacting Twitter’s own internal products and services such as Twitter Publish.

At this time, there is no recommended alternative for embedding Twitter feeds in websites, and as Twitter’s reliability and service model continues to change wildly and without notice, site owners should consider the risk of continuing to rely on this service for publishing information to stakeholders.

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