For crystallization of your sample, please refer to FAQs
Please fill out the form(s) with as much as possible information about your crystalline sample(s). All starred * fields must be complete prior of submission to the XRD lab, incomplete forms with submitted samples will not be measured. Make sure sample labels on the form are matching the vials labels or containers. All labels must be clearly visible and easy to read. Use PDF Adobe Acrobat reader to edit/fill out the form. We recommend inserting a quick sketch from ChemDraw. Save it as an image format and input it into the XRD PDF form image fields. If you do not have ChemDraw please use web Kekule. To import figure please use Snipping tool, save an image from a Snipping tool and insert the saved figure to XRD submission form.
XRD Sample submission form_XRD 2023
Please indicate SUM formula for your anticipated structure starting with Cn Hm, and in alphabetic order all other atoms e.g. Ah Bk Cl. (For example, Cobalamin Sum formula C63H88CoN14O14P). Separately indicate all the solvents that were used for crystallization.
The results will be sent over email, please make sure your contact information is correct.
Select desired measurement type: Full service, WIT, Unit_cell_indexing only, or RAW data.
To prevent safety related incidence in the XRD lab you are required to indicate all hazards that are associated with your crystalline sample(s), please indicate all that apply.