Samantha Tornello
Assistant Professor of Human Development & Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University
- Policies Affecting Families: What we know, and what to expect in the second Trump termIn a new symposium, CCF brings together leading experts to discuss how immigration, abortion, student debt, and LGBTQIA+ related policies affect families.
- Who Cares and Caring for Whom? Unpaid Caregiving by Gender and Sexual IdentityBrief report from CCF Early Career Scholar Dr. Meredith Zhang summarizes new research on how providing unpaid care for family and friends differs by gender, sexual orientation, and partnership status.
- CCF’s Stephanie Coontz Speaks at Opening of Legacy Washington’s New Exhibit on Marriage EqualityCCF Expert and Director of Research and Public Education Stephanie Coontz spoke at the recent opening of Legacy Washington’s “Love, Equally” exhibit.
- CCF’s Stephanie Coontz for The New York Times: What Can Different-Sex Couples Learn From Same-Sex Couples?Five years after marriage equality, CCF Director of Research and Public Education Stephanie Coontz asks: What can different-sex couples learn from same-sex couples? Featuring research by CCF experts Joanna Pepin, Dan… Read more: CCF’s Stephanie Coontz for The New York Times: What Can Different-Sex Couples Learn From Same-Sex Couples?
- Same-Sex Couples Devote More Attention to End-of-Life Plans than Heterosexual CouplesA Research Brief Prepared for the University of Texas at Austin Population Research Center Research Brief Series Download a PDF of the Brief Mieke Beth Thomeer, Rachel Donnelly, Corinne Reczek,… Read more: Same-Sex Couples Devote More Attention to End-of-Life Plans than Heterosexual Couples
- Perceptions of Shared Power, Gender Conformity, and Marital Quality in Same- and Different-Sex MarriagesA Research Brief Prepared for the University of Texas at Austin Population Research Center Research Brief Series Download a PDF of the Brief Amanda M. Pollitt, Brandon A. Robinson, and Debra… Read more: Perceptions of Shared Power, Gender Conformity, and Marital Quality in Same- and Different-Sex Marriages
- Do Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Spouses Differ in the Ways They Care for Each Other During Physical Illness?A Brief Prepared for the University of Texas at Austin Population Research Center Debra Umberson, Mieke Beth Thomeer, Corinne Reczek, Rachel Donnelly, and Rhiannon A. Kroeger Introduction An important… Read more: Do Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Spouses Differ in the Ways They Care for Each Other During Physical Illness?
- Same-Sex Couples May Have More Egalitarian RelationshipsSame-Sex Couples May Have More Egalitarian Relationships National Public Radio (NPR) December 29, 2014
- “Can I watch?” Sometimes women kissing women isn’t about youIs there more going on in the hookup scene than meets (men’s) eyes? The college hookup scene is typically understood as a male-dominated environment—where men are mainly in charge of sexual initiation, parties are often centered around fraternity houses, treating women as sex objects is common, and women engage in sexual displays, including kissing each other, in order to arouse male interest. Yet, in the forthcoming April 2014 issue of Gender & Society, a team of researchers observes that for some women the super-straight environment of college hookups is also a setting “to explore and to later verify bisexual, lesbian, or queer sexual identities.” Turns out public kissing and threesomes play an important role—and that not all of that sex play is about performing for men’s pleasure.
- Children in families with same-sex parentsCCF’s Dawn Braithwaite was on KFOR’s Lincoln Live radio show discussing children in families with same-sex parents. Listen to the interview on their website (after clicking, scroll down and select “Children in… Read more: Children in families with same-sex parents
- Lesbian MystiquesBetty Friedan highlighted the many ways that cultural images and expectations of gender in the 1950s and 60s held women back. The expectations derived most obviously from patriarchy, which Friedan recognized, but also from white supremacy, capitalism, and heterosexism, which she did not. In Friedan’s time the feminine mystique certainly constrained women’s senses of themselves and their possibilities, but at least it recognized women as a group. The “lesbian mystique,” by contrast, denied lesbians even existed. The concept was literally inconceivable. In the 19th century, Queen Victoria is rumored to have flatly proclaimed: “Women don’t do that.”
- Feminine Mystique Symposium: Feminism and Families TodayOn the 50th Anniversary of The Feminine Mystique, Council on Contemporary Families Scholars identify what’s changed—and what hasn’t.
- It’s Not Just City Folk: Gays and Lesbians Experience Striking Gains in Acceptance in All Regions and Subgroups of AmericaAt a time of dramatic change in attitudes towards gays and lesbians in America, a new study released this month in Gender & Society highlights the diversity of gay and… Read more: It’s Not Just City Folk: Gays and Lesbians Experience Striking Gains in Acceptance in All Regions and Subgroups of America
- CCF Gender Revolution Symposium: No Stall in the Sexual RevolutionBy Brian Powell, Ph.D. James H. Rudy Professor of Sociology Indiana University Phone: 812-855-7624 (office); 812-360-0474 (cell) Email: The gender revolution may have been stalled, but the sexual revolution… Read more: CCF Gender Revolution Symposium: No Stall in the Sexual Revolution
- New Jersey’s Historic ‘Civil Union’ OpportunityThe New Jersey Supreme Court has given the state Legislature a historic opportunity, and I don’t mean the chance to allow same-sex couples to marry. The Legislature has the chance to enact civil unions for all couples – same-sex and different-sex. New Zealand does it. So does the Netherlands, under the name “registered partnership.” Maine and the District of Columbia recognize “domestic partnerships” for both straight and gay couples, although both give domestic partners fewer rights than those accorded married couples. Even New Jersey’s current domestic partnership law allows different-sex couples to register – but only if both partners are over 62, presumably a nod to the impact of remarriage on certain pension and retirement benefits.
- The Steady Rise of Non-Traditional Romantic UnionsBy Michael J. Rosenfeld Professor of Sociology Stanford University, 415.205.1892 Prior to 1970, the overwhelming majority of all couples were same-race married couples. Couples who lived together outside of marriage,… Read more: The Steady Rise of Non-Traditional Romantic Unions
- Myths and Realities About Same-Sex FamiliesJuly 6, 2006 By Gary Gates Senior Research Fellow The Williams Institute UCLA School of Law; 310.825.1868 The New York Court of Appeals ruled this morning that the state… Read more: Myths and Realities About Same-Sex Families
- Will Providing Marriage Rights To Same-Sex Couples Undermine Heterosexual Marriage? Evidence From ScandinaviaDownload Full Report as a PDF Download Full Report as a Word Document By M. V. Lee Badgett Professor of Economics University of Massachusetts, Amherst As a way to understand… Read more: Will Providing Marriage Rights To Same-Sex Couples Undermine Heterosexual Marriage? Evidence From Scandinavia