For the past 71 years, The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy has hosted the Annual Pharmacy Practice Seminar (PPS), which is designed for pharmacists and technicians practicing in a variety of settings. The conference’s mission is to provide clinical updates and pharmacy practice information to pharmacists and technicians who are interested in staying abreast of recent changes in practice. The information is intended to be practical and easily translated into any practice.
PPS is one of the largest in-person gatherings in the state and beyond. The agenda is full of vital topics, engaging speakers, and all current TSBP topic requirements. There are 20+ continuing education hours available to registrants, allowing students some flexibility to choose topics that best fit their own practice needs.
This conference is developed and produced by the Center for Continuing Professional Development at The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy, along with the help of the Pharmacy Practice Seminar Planning Committee.
Empowering Pharmacists and Technicians to Help Patients
The Pharmacy Practice Seminar presents all topics with a focus on patient care. This seminar is valuable for pharmacists and technicians because it delivers information that is practical and relevant and can be applied immediately in practice with positive effects.
The speakers invited to participate in PPS are highly recommended and sought-after educators, including Texas Pharmacy professors, nationally renowned speakers, and other practitioners considered to be experts in their field of practice. Many UT alumni who attend PPS often comment that they love getting to learn once again from some of their outstanding UT instructors who taught them as students.
Who Should Register?
This seminar is designed for pharmacists and technicians who are seeking a very practical continuing education seminar filled with useful information. The seminar offers > 15 contact hours of ACPE-accredited continuing pharmacy education, complemented by interactive learning activities and question/answer sessions. This one event offers pharmacists every annual requirement necessary to maintain Texas licensure.
PPS is a Reunion!
The in-person Pharmacy Practice Seminar (PPS) also serves as a great reunion for many of the attendees, who enjoy visiting with past classmates, colleagues and friends who they may not have had an opportunity to see otherwise. It also affords many alumni the opportunity to stay connected to UT College of Pharmacy and the profession in general. Even for many attendees who are not UT alumni… PPS still serves as an annual reunion to visit with friends who they travel/attend the seminar with year after year. Once you attend PPS, you become a member of the PPS community.
PPS History
PPS continues to be one of the largest CE gatherings in Texas, attracting pharmacists from all across Texas and other neighboring states. While more and more online CE activities are popping up, PPS continues to thrive as one of the few remaining in-person learning opportunities in the region. It is a true honor when participants achieve their 50-year status!
2019 50-Year Group
Past Years – 50-Year Group Photos
2018 – 50 Year Group Photo
2017 – 50 Year Group Photo
The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
UT Continuing Pharmacy Education
(512) 232-7738