Interested in auditioning for a position within the Winds, Percussion, or Color Guard?
Longhorn Band is a year-round (fall and spring) commitment offered as a course. Everyone (including Drumline and Color Guard) must be registered for ENS 207L (undergraduate) or ENS 184L (graduate level) for the fall semester to attend Band Week (Aug. 15-24). Note that all prospective Texas Drums members who pass the preliminary video audition will begin camp on August 13 for live auditions. If you are not able to register prior to attending Band Week, please communicate your issue here: lhbinfo@utexas.edu.
If you are a member of the Longhorn Band in the Fall you are REQUIRED to be in a Longhorn Band Spring Ensemble (concert band, jazz ensemble, or color guard). Wind and Percussion members who would like to perform in a Fall concert ensemble are eligible to perform with the UT Symphony Band during the Fall semester, and audition materials for this ensemble will be available here in the coming weeks.
- Longhorn Pep Band does NOT meet the LHB Spring requirement.
- Music majors in LHB will receive credit for this requirement through their large ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Wind Symphony, and Symphony Band) participation in the spring.
- Students are eligible to audition for the Longhorn Band and the Longhorn Pep Band for up to six consecutive academic years from their first audition and must be a full time, degree seeking student to enroll.
Click here to learn more about Longhorn Concert Band during the spring semester.
Step 1
Fill out the Prospective Member Registration Form.
Step 2
Complete an audition video submission by the following deadlines:
- Woodwind & Brass Deadline: July 1
- Percussion Deadline: April 30
- Color Guard Deadline: June 21
Audition video requirements:
Step 3
Attend a LHB Marching Summer Clinic. Previous summer clinics have occurred in areas such as Dallas-Fort Worth, Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio, Houston, and Austin. Follow the above link for locations, dates, and times.
Attend an Orientation Information Session* at the UT Student Organization Fair (dates TBA).
*Follow our LHB New Member Advisor Instagram for further updates.
Step 4
Register for the proper Longhorn Band course for the fall semester. Rehearsals typically take place in “The Bubble” (Indoor Practice Facility) or in the Darrell K Royal Memorial Stadium (DKR) on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:30 – 8:30pm.
Fall Semester Courses for Longhorn Band:
- ENS 207L (undergraduate level)
- ENS 184L (graduate level)
Step 5
Attend Band Week (tentatively Friday, August 15-Sunday, August 24). If you successfully pass round 1 of the auditions and attend a summer clinic, you will receive information about band week, where you will prepare and complete your final playing and marching assessments. These assessments will determine your membership in the Longhorn Band. Best wishes to you!
Please return to this page for more information in the future! Follow us on Facebook (@UTLonghornBand) and Instagram (@LonghornBand).