Continuing from my previous blog post which discussed the technical barriers developing countries face in reducing forestry relation emissions, this blog post will looks at how domestic politics can hamper the adoption of mitigation strategies. Measuring forests, converting forest land and preserving forests are all deeply political acts. Any policy… read more
Know Thy Forests – Technical Barriers to Reducing Emissions from Forests
In the upcoming weeks, my colleagues and I will be blogging about the sector and country level insights we have drawn from our eight month study of the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) and agriculture sectors. Our research has helped us develop a deep understanding of the… read more
The Green Wall of China: Enough to keep the Yellow Dragon at Bay?
Every year, Beijing and other major cities in East Asia are tormented by the infamous Yellow Dragon. Not to be confused with Hoàng Long, the mythical hornless dragon which bestowed Emperor Fu Xi with the fundamentals of written script, this yellow dragon constitutes China’s 5th season ; dust storms. These… read more