The IPCC released the Working Group III summary report for policymakers on Sunday. I wrote about the Working Group II report on impacts on The Monkey Cage. Working Group III covers climate mitigation, that is the challenges of reducing greenhouse gases. Tonight, I read through the report and tweeted my sense of the main… read more
Indonesia’s Forest Moratorium
In 2009, the Indonesian government made a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent, with 87 percent of these reductions expected to come from land-use improvements. This commitment was quickly supported by the Norwegian government, which pledged $1 billion to aid Indonesia’s emission reductions effort, with funds made… read more
Energy Production Part II
Renewable technology? REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov In an effort to build more interest for the Major Economies and Climate Change presentation on April 22nd, 2014, I will outline some of the basic findings and policy recommendations coming from the Renewable Energy section of the Energy Production Report. Previous findings and recommendations from… read more