Sometime in the first decade of the 21st century, China surpassed the US as the largest aggregate emitter of CO2 emissions. Source: Mongabay, 2009 It’s clear that any discussion of anthropogenic carbon emissions and future mitigation is not complete with China.
Are Brazil’s Deforestation Policies Enough?
As deforestation alone is responsible for well over half of Brazil’s GHG emissions, it is a contentious sector at all levels of government, for businesses, NGOs, and civil society groups. To meet its stated emissions reductions goals by 2020, Brazil must simply stop cutting down forests, or at… read more
AFOLU in Brazil: What’s the Big Deal?
When it comes to GHG emissions and climate change, Brazil is a bit of an oddity. Around a third of its current power generation comes from renewables (namely hydroelectricity), it is a pioneer in biofuels and ethanol production, and it almost uses no coal. But still, Brazil is the world’s… read more