China has many reasons to celebrate the halfway mark of its twelfth Five Year Plan, implemented in 2011 with goals set for 2015. Serving as the economic and social development initiatives of the Communist Party of China, the Five Year Plan reflects upon the leadership’s priorities and ambitions. Such priorities… read more
Carbon Capture and Sequestration: What is it?
For many developing economies, coal and other fossil fuel energy sources remain the primary method for electricity generation in the future. In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, many developed nations, including Germany, have shifted their own generation towards coal. This shift away from nuclear power, particularly… read more
Brazil, CDM, and Biogas
Brazil has been actively taking advantage of the Clean Development Mechanism program. The country, which is responsible for developing the concept of CDMs, undertakes more CDM projects than any other Latin American country; globally only China and India have more. Their projects run the gambit, ranging from fueling garbage trucks… read more