NPRQI Data Portal Resources

On this page EDs can find helpful resources for understanding what information is collected, getting started with data entry, and viewing personalized performance reports.

Scroll down to view or download the documents:

  • Data Entry Record Form: This form is a guide to all the questions in the NPRQI data platform
  • Data Collection Reference Guide: This document details all the data points collected in the NPRQI data platform
  • Data Elements for Clinical Bundles: This document outlines all the data points needed to correctly calculate the numerator and denominator for each clinical quality measure
  • Just In Time Quick Reference Guide: This document provides a brief and quick overview of how to get started using the NPRQI data platform
  • Data Entry User Guide: This document is a “how-to” guide for step by step instructions on entering data, analyzing data entry reports, and accessing personalized performance dashboards
  • Military Clock Conversion Chart: Use this chart to easily convert 24-hour military time to 12-hour standard time
  • IDC-10 Codes: This link will help you easily and quickly find common pediatric diagnosis codes

Data Entry Record Form

The Data Entry Record Form is a print out of all the data entry fields in the Data Entry Portal and required elements. This document helps users know what data is collected. Some users prefer to print this document out ahead of time to guide their data collection.

Data Collection Reference Guide (Data Dictionary)

The Data Collection Reference Guide is a collection of data elements that are being captured in the NPRQI data portal to measure quality improvement of specific clinical conditions. Not all information listed in the guide will apply to all hospitals. Only relevant information will be displayed on a site’s performance dashboard depending on the data that is entered by each hospital.

Data Elements for Clinical Bundles

The Data Elements for Clinical Bundles explains which data elements are required to calculate the numerator and denominator for clinical bundle measures.

“Just In Time” Quick Reference Guide

The “Just In Time” Quick Reference Guide is designed with the dynamic environment of emergency departments in mind. Use this guide to quickly learn about how to get started with data entry, see what data is collected, who to contact with questions, and locate FAQs.

Data Entry User Guide

The Data Entry User Guide is a step-by step resource that outlines things like chart sampling, creating a Subject ID crosswalk, locating helpful resources to support data entry, initial login procedures as well as completing a chart entry from start to finish.

Military Clock Conversion Chart

The NPRQI data platform requires you to enter time on a 12-hour clock. Use this chart to easily convert 24-hour military time to 12-hour standard time.

ICD-10 Codes Picklist

Click here to find the most common pediatric diagnosis codes.

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