To those who were able to attend our 6th annual TARO Brown Bag this past Tuesday, thank you for joining us! We hope the information we provided helps you understand our progress with the NEH implementation grant and the Summerlee Foundation grant-funded New Member Initiative, along with getting you better acquainted with some of the people currently involved with leading TARO. And if you weren’t able to join us for the live event, we’ve got you covered with the video recording hosted on TARO’s YouTube channel, the presentation slides, and the TARO Fact Sheet: 2019-2020 Update.
But wait, there’s more! We encourage you to answer this short survey about this year’s Brown Bag to give us feedback. We’re eager to hear from you so we can better tailor our communication and outreach to our members and the wider archival community, and also answer any questions you have for us.
And don’t forget about our TARO Volunteer Sign-Up! Please share the link with anyone you know who would be interested in offering some of their time toward helping TARO’s grant work and gaining important and résumé-ready skills and experience along the way. We’re always on the lookout for TARO’s leaders of tomorrow.
Rebecca Romanchuk
2020 TARO Steering Committee Chair
Monthly Archives: June 2020
Register today for the TARO Brown Bag (free webinar)!
Registration is now open for the 6th annual TARO Brown Bag, to be held online Tuesday, June 23, 12:00-1:00pm, where you’ll hear the latest about our grant-funded activities to redesign the TARO website, improve its search function, and provide assistance to our members with free training in creating finding aids and in improving finding aid metadata.
Our Steering Committee and subcommittees will discuss their roles and the grant projects they’re undertaking. You’ll also learn about ways you can become involved by volunteering to join one of our subcommittees or by being nominated for one of the Steering Committee officer positions that will be open in 2021. Is your institution interested in becoming a new TARO member repository? Learn how easy it is to join. All are welcome!
Register here (required):
We look forward to you joining us!
Rebecca Romanchuk
2020 TARO Steering Committee Chair