File Naming and Identification


<eadid countrycode=”US” mainagencycode=”US-xxxx”>urn:taro:{TARO repository code[see below for format]}.{filename}</eadid>

A required subelement of <eadheader> that designates a unique code for a particular EAD finding aid document.

Two of the attributes, COUNTRYCODE and MAINAGENCYCODE, are required to make the <eadid> compliant with ISAD(G) element 3.1.1. MAINAGENCYCODE provides the ISO 15511 code for the institution that maintains the finding aid (which may not be the same as the institution that is the custodian of the materials described). COUNTRYCODE supplies the ISO 3166-1 code for the country of the maintenance agency. In addition to these two attributes, it is recommended that repositories also use at least one of the following attributes: URL, PUBLICID, or IDENTIFIER to make the <eadid> globally unique. PUBLICID should be a Formal Public Identifier, URL an absolute or relative address, and IDENTIFIER a machine-readable unique identifier for the finding aid file.

Taken from the EAD Tag Library, Version 2002

FOR: Baylor, Rice, Texas A&M (College Station), Texas Tech, University of Houston and UT Austin repositories . . .

The content for <eadid> needs to follow this format:


  • where. . .
  • institution = baylor, rice, tamu, ttu, uh, utexas
  • unit
    • for texas = aaa, blac, cah, hrc, law, lsc
    • for tamu = cush
    • for ttu = sw, swcpc, rb, ua, av, va
    • for rice = wrc
    • for uh = ua, sc, warc
    • for baylor = tc, abl, kc, pll
  • xxxxx = a unique FIVE DIGIT number, starting with 00001, assigned to each finding aid
FOR: Remaining Institutions


  • where. . .
  • institution = aalgs, apts, aushc, chhsm, concordia, dalhs, dalpub, drtsa, etrc, haines, hamtmc, houpub, hrdi, lamar, ojac, sama, shsu, sjmh, smu, stthomas, swestern, tamucc, tamuk, trinity, tslac, tsu, tsusm, twu, txglo, tyrrell, unt, untmlsc, utarl, utep, uthscsa, utmb, utmda, utsa, uttyler,
  • xxxxx = a unique FIVE DIGIT number, starting with 00001, assigned to each finding aid

File names

The name you give each XML file must coincide with the last five digits of the URN in the <eadid> of that file. In this example, if the urn is:


. . . then you would name the XML file — 00012.xml

*EAD 2002 also requires the presence of certain attributes for <eadid>.



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