Subcommittee tasks during NEH grant term


  • Report and discuss  issues with Steering Committee
  • Assist with EAD training workshops


  • Once the steering committee determines the proposed approach to institutional identity (e.g. completely consistent institutional/repository names and contact information), ensure that standards stylesheet documents any changes to recording institution information
  • Prepare investigative report on use of FAST subject headings
  • EAD3 research; assessment of developments and use in the archival community
  • Provide feedback on EAD3 finding aid template
  • Committee chair will participate in two all hands meetings to review interface development and provide feedback to applications developer

Funding & Sustainability

  • Plan and write grant proposal for membership training
  • Committee chair will participate in two all hands meetings to review interface development and provide feedback to applications developer

Outreach & Education

  • Identify training modules required after implementation of TARO. This work will inform TARO’s grant proposal to TexTreasures for training
  • Continue to assist new members in process for joining TARO
  • Assist with work on training grant project as outlined in the proposal
  • Continue to develop member training webinars and in-person EAD tutorials
  • Committee chair will participate in two all hands meetings to review interface development and provide feedback to applications developer

Technologies & Website

  • Consider effective integration of EAD finding aids with other systems and portals for unique and special collections in Texas and beyond, including both harvest mechanisms for finding aids as a whole (e.g., ArchiveGrid, export of MARC records to integrated library systems and/or harvest of finding aid metadata into discovery layers) and emerging means by which finding aid metadata can be successfully re-used to provide context for digital objects in environments such as the Texas Digital Library, Portal to Texas History, and the Digital Public Library of
  • Organize finding aids and pilot test EAD3 conversion
  • Write and deliver papers on EAD3 pilot testing
  • Committee chair will participate in two all hands meetings to review interface development and provide feedback to applications developer

 Summerlee QA Finding Aid

  • Volunteers from various TARO repositories will review Word finding aids for adherence to TARO standards before forwarding to a vendor for EAD encoding
  • Members will review the EAD finding aids encoded by the vendor.
  • Communicate with Participating Repositories of the Summerlee grant funded New Member Initiative, as needed
  • From NEH application: Each year, committee will review Summerlee project finding aids for adherence to a predefined finding aid template