ControlAccess and HTML metatags

Repositories are encouraged to use <controlaccess> and its subelement tags as extensively as possible. As the EAD Tag Library succinctly puts it, “Finding aid searches limited to the <controlaccess> element and its subelements will improve the likelihood of locating strong sources of information on a desired subject.” Adding controlled vocabulary to describe aspects of the XML finding aids allows us to offer fielded searching of the HTML versions. Currently the TARO Advanced Search allows users to limit searches by title/subject / name / place / Format or Media.

The table below lists the Dublin Core metatag into which each <controlaccess> subelement is translated by the current TARO XSL file:

XML tag HTML metatag TARO search form limit
<corpname> if encodinganalog=600,610,611 then DC.Subject
if encodinganalog=700,710,unlisted then DC.Contributor
subject or name
<famname> DC.Contributor name
<function> currently unmapped NA
<genreform> DC.Format format
<geogname> DC.Coverage place
<occupation> currently unmapped NA
<persname> if encodinganalog=600,610,611 then DC.Subject
if encodinganalog=700,710,unlisted then DC.Contributor
subject or name
<subject> DC.Subject subject

Other current metatag sources

XML tag HTML metatag TARO search form limit
DC.Title title
<origination> DC.Creator author
<repository> DC.Publisher repository

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