The following sample emphasizes the position and presence of specific elements/attributes for newly created finding aids. While this is NOT a template (you can find a template and several examples on the taro wiki), the sample does highlight items which play an
important role in identifying and indexing the finding aids. As such, you would want to follow the guidelines here as closely as possible. Note the italicized text as well as the linked items throughout the page.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <!-- the ead can have an added attribute that will save coding on the linking tags add xmlns:xlink="" before relatedencoding attribute --> Version 1: <ead xmlns="urn:isbn:1-931666-22-9" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:isbn:1-931666-22-9 ead.xsd" xmlns:xsi="" relatedencoding="MARC21"> Version 2: <ead xmlns="urn:isbn:1-931666-22-9" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:isbn:1-931666-22-9 ead.xsd" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" relatedencoding="MARC21"> <eadheader> tag -- very important section please pay close attention <archdesc> tag -- Body of the Finding Aid <archdesc level="collection" type="inventory" audience="external"> <archdesc><did> tag -- very important section creates the overview of your finding aid <bioghist encodinganalog="545"><head>Biographical Sketch</head> <p><[Enter biographical information about the individual(s) or the administrative history of a corporate body represented in the collection]</p> </bioghist> <scopecontent encodinganalog="520$b"> <head>Scope and Contents Note</head> <!-- Text in the <head> can be changed to the repositories preference --> <p><[Enter scope and content note; multiple paragraphs can be entered]</p> </scopecontent> <accessrestrict encodinganalog="506"> <head>Access Restrictions</head> <p>[Enter access restrictions if applicable; if no restrictions then enter "Unrestricted."]</p> </accessrestrict> <userestrict encodinganalog="540"> <head>Use Restrictions</head> <p>[Enter use restrictions if applicable]</p> </userestrict> <archdesc><controlaccess> tag -- Control Access terms form the index terms for searching <prefercite encodinganalog="524"> <head>Preferred Citation</head> <p>[Enter preferred citation]</p> </prefercite> <processinfo encodinganalog="583"> <head>Processing Information</head> <p>[Optional per repository policy; enter processing information if applicable]</p> </processinfo> <relatedmaterial encodinganalog="544"> <head>Related Material</head> <p>[Enter information about related material/collections and the name of the holding-repository if applicable]</p> </relatedmaterial> <accruals encodinganalog="584"> <head>Additions</head> <p>[Enter information about anticipated additions to the collection]</p> </accruals> <descgrp> (Optional tagset used to bring together any group of elements that are children of the Archival Description) <prefercite encodinganalog="524"> <head>Preferred Citation</head> <p>[Enter preferred citation]</p> </prefercite> <processinfo encodinganalog="583"> <head>Processing Information</head> <p>[Optional per repository policy; enter processing information if applicable]</p> </processinfo> <acqinfo encodinganalog="541"> <head>Acquisition Information</head> <p>[The immediate source of the materials being described and the circumstances under which they were received. Includes donations, transfers, purchases, and deposits.]</p> </acqinfo> <altformavail encodinganalog="530"> <head>Other Formats for the Collection</head> <p>[Information about copies of the materials being described]</p> </altformavail> </descgrp> <!-- Begin Description of Subordinate Components --> <dsc type="combined"> <head>Detailed Description of the Collection</head> <c01 id="ser1" level="series"> <!-- Enter appropriate LEVEL (e.g. "series" "file" or "item" --> <did> <unittitle>[Enter unit title]</unittitle> <unitdate>[Enter unit date]</unitdate> </did> <c02 level="file"> <did> <container type="box">[Enter box number]</container> <container type="folder">[Enter folder number]</container> <unittitle>[Enter unit title]</unittitle> <unitdate>[Enter unit date]</unitdate> </did> </c02> <!-- Add other component levels as appropriate --> </c01> <c01 id="ser2" level="series"> <!-- Enter appropriate LEVEL (e.g. "series" "file" or "item" --> <did> <unittitle>[Enter unit title]</unittitle> <unitdate>[Enter unit date]</unitdate> </did> <c02 level="subseries"> <did> <container type="box">[Enter box number]</container> <container type="folder">[Enter folder number]</container> <unittitle>[Enter unit title]</unittitle> <unitdate>[Enter unit date]</unitdate> </did> <c03 level="file"> <did> <container type="box">[Enter box number]</container> <container type="folder">[Enter folder number]</container> <unittitle>[Enter unit title]</unittitle> <unitdate>[Enter unit date]</unitdate> </did> </c03> <!-- Add other component levels as appropriate --> </c02> </c01> </dsc> <!-- End Description of Subordinate Components --> </archdesc> </ead>