Tell Us What You Think!

Dear TARO colleagues,

For the past few months, the TARO Website & Technology Subcommittee has been busy testing the new TARO website and regularly giving our feedback to the awesome Valkyrie Squad.

The time has come to collect the input of the TARO community: our staff and our patrons. What does the new TARO website do well? What is working for you? What is not working as well? Is there anything that you are less excited about?  We are inviting the TARO community to visit the website, interact with it, and fill out a short survey questionnaire.

But wait… there’s more! If you have an extra minute or two, we have prepared a slightly more detailed questionnaire that asks you to perform a few basic tasks and record your experience: click here.

The choice is yours, whether you have time to fill out either questionnaire or both. Please feel free to include the invitation to the survey in your institution’s newsletter, website, email blast, and the like:

Feedback from a variety of user types is highly appreciated: students of any level (undergraduate, graduate, K-12), teachers, faculty, researchers of any kind, archivists and librarians, the more, the merrier!

We are looking forward to learning what everyone thinks about the new TARO website.

Ada Negraru

Chair, Website & Technology Subcommittee