Greetings, TARO World! Here’s hoping we’ve punched our inclement weather cards for the year with last week’s ice storm and can quickly move on to bluebonnet season.
Our work has continued behind the scenes in January to transition between steering committees, and we have a few things to report:
- Please join us on Monday, February 13 at 2 p.m. for a webinar on the new TARO Best Practices Guidelines (BPGs), Version 4.0. This webinar, held on Zoom, will provide an overview of the document and an opportunity to ask questions. The presentation will be recorded and made available for future reference as well. Please contact Matthew Richardson ( or Molly Hults ( of the TARO Standards Subcommittee with any questions.
- Welcome to our two newest repositories, the East Texas Research Center at Stephen F. Austin State University, and the Tarlton Law Library at the University of Texas at Austin.
- January usage statistics are now available and can be viewed or downloaded from our Wiki page.