Hello fellow TARO folks —
Amy Bowman and I are excited to offer a TARO workshop May 24, 2017,
at the Society of Southwest Archivists annual meeting,
located this year in beautiful Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Watch for registration through the Society of Southwest Archivists, opening soon.
The workshop has a max size of 15 participants, so sign up early if you are interested.
If there is a wait list, we can discuss a Winter offering in a Texas location.
Here is a description:
Introduction to TARO: Encoding and Submitting Finding Aids
Date: Wednesday, May 24
Time: 10.00 am – 5.00 pm (full day) 1.00 – 5.00 pm (half-day)
Cost: $100.00 (full day – price includes box lunch)/$50.00 (half-day)
Location: SSA Conference Hotel (info)
Trainer: Amy Bowman and Amanda Focke
This workshop will teach the hands-on basic skills needed to participate in TARO, including basic XML familiarity and editing, EAD familiarity, how to upload files to TARO, and troubleshooting. The full day is recommended for those with little or no TARO, EAD, or XML experience. The half-day (afternoon only) is recommended as a refresher for those who might feel rusty and/or have work environment changes which have changed their approach to TARO (such as using collection management software now instead of hand-encoding XML). The workshop is open to anyone but is focused on TARO guidelines and workflows.
This is not an intensive EAD course, or an intensive XML class, but will show the basics to get you started and share resources to help you once you return to your workplace.
Would you like a detailed class specifically on EAD/XML?
Amigos is offering such a class live-online (four 2-hr sessions), in March 2017.
Get the details here: http://www.amigos.org/node/3587
All best,
Amanda Focke
Rice University
TARO Steering Committee Chair, 2017