Greetings from the TARO Standards subcommittee! A self-assigned task that we took on for our work in 2019 was to develop a list of tips to offer to TARO member repositories for how to encode in EAD 2002 with an eye toward making future migration to EAD3 easier. While migrating to EAD3 will be in our future, TARO doesn’t have current plans to do so. No other EAD consortium in the U.S. has migrated to EAD3 yet, and Standards recommends that TARO wait until at least one consortium does and has shared its documentation about the migration with the archival community.
One of the tasks that the Website & Technology subcommittee will be undertaking during TARO’s NEH implementation grant project (running through April 2022) is pilot testing of EAD3 migration for TARO files and submitting a report on its findings. This appears to be the best opportunity for recognizing in what ways EAD 2002 encoding in TARO files does or does not successfully migrate to EAD3. Afterward, Standards will compile encoding tips and share them with the TARO community. We plan to share those at the end of the grant project, in late spring 2022.
An EAD3 Study Group formed by SAA’s Encoded Archival Standards Section released a report in 2017 (Implementing EAD3: Conversion and Migration) outlining how well EAD 2002 elements and attributes migrate to EAD3. Both Standards and Website & Technology have studied this report and will adapt those findings and recommendations to TARO’s needs when the time comes for us to migrate to EAD3.
How might a TARO repository improve its encoding now, before these tips become available? Be sure to follow TARO’s EAD Best Practice Guidelines and refer to the EAD Tag Library Version 2002 to use elements and attributes as they’re intended. Another very helpful resource is, which provides a list of elements continuing from EAD 2002 into EAD3 and a list of those that are not (deprecated elements), along with a list of brand new elements in EAD3. An explanation of how date encoding occurs in EAD3 is also included in this very approachable website.
Questions? Please contact the Standards co-chairs directly at our email addresses below.
— Molly Hults ( and Rebecca Romanchuk (, Standards co-chairs