Online Language/Translation Courses and Workshops from SRAS

Deadline: (varies) August 15 – September 25, 2020

Full courses  

·         Perspectives on US-Russia Relations (3 US Credits)
2020 has provided us with many opportunities to look at the world from varying perspectives, to consider the rise of globalism and its effects, and to evaluate the relationships between countries. In this course, we examine the US-Russia relationship in depth. Students will also virtually tour St. Petersburg and Moscow. 

·         Central Asian Studies (3 US Credits)
This 10-week course provides an overview of the political, socio-economic as well as the historical and religious dimensions of the Central Asian countries of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. Lectures will be combined with virtual workshops in crafts, cooking, and yurt building as well as virtual tours of Bishkek, Almaty, and Bukhara. 

·         Russian as a Second Language (3 US Credits)
SRAS’ Russian as a Second Language is now available online! Language lessons are supplemented by peer tutoring, virtual excursions and other experiences, all of which serve to introduce you to the people and places of Russia.

We also have shorter courses and workshops on: 

·         Art History

·         Translation and Interpretation Workshop, Interpreter training

·         Ukrainian or Polish for Russian Learners

·         Russian Language: Maintenance/Part-time, Grammar Challenges

These are all starting in early September and we will be adding more courses throughout the year. They are very affordable and participants earn SRAS Learning Credits that can be used to help fund future study abroad with SRAS. 

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