Call for ASEEES 2024 papers on 19th-c. Russophone women writers

Deadline: February 19, 2024

For the third year running, we are organizing a stream of panels at ASEEES dedicated to nineteenth-century Russophone women writers. The theme this year is liberation. We are putting together panels for both the virtual and in-person conferences. In recent years, there has been revived interest in this field and we eagerly encourage graduate students and young scholars to join us. We welcome papers on any female authors and any genres; they could also be comparative, looking at women writers in relation to their male peers or as influences on other writers. 

The ASEEES deadline is March 1st for panels. Our deadline is Monday, February 19th, so we can put together panels. If you are interested in participating either as a presenter, discussant, or chair, please reply off-list to Hilde Hoogenboom ( and Anna Berman ( with a title and brief 2-3 sentence abstract. Do not forget to let us know if you will be participating virtually or in-person, or are able to do both. And of course, your membership must be current when we input the panels or you won’t be in ASEEES’s proposal system. 

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