CFP: CALL FOR PAPERS Biennial Conference of the Association for Women in Slavic Studies

Deadline: January 20, 2024

Hosted by the Slavic Reference Service at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign “Hidden Histories: Reshaping Canons, Reimagining Archives, Making Gender Visible”

Dedicated to the Late Mary Zirin

June 6-8, 2024

(in person and virtual)

AWSS welcomes paper proposals from scholars in all disciplines who engage in research that focuses on uncovering or discovering new information relating to gender in order to reframe received knowledge and reshape some of the historical and/or discursive parameters in a given field. Topics might include archival finds, unexpected juxtapositions, productive experiences of cross-pollination between fields, and various “Eureka moments” that have illuminated or brought gender into focus in a new way. We particularly welcome proposals that advance the AWSS mission whether by seeking to improve the general public’s understanding about women, gender, and sexuality or by challenging sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, classist, ableist, and ageist structures that reproduce injustice. 

The expectation is that both virtual and in-person participants will be present for all paper sessions. There is no registration fee for the conference, but we do strongly encourage all participants to become members of AWSS. Sessions will be available virtually to the greater AWSS and UIUC communities. 

The deadline for the submission of proposals is Friday, January 20, 2024. Please send a one-page abstract (no more than 500 words) and a one-page CV to with the subject “2024 AWSS UIUC Proposal”, indicating in your email whether you plan to attend online or in person. Any questions should be directed to the same address. 

Early career scholars (graduate students and recent PhDs), contingent faculty, and independent scholars will be prioritized for limited travel funds which can be utilized for travel or lodging costs. 

In-person participants will be provided physical access to the UIUC Library’s collections and services; those wishing to extend their visit can apply to the SRS Summer Research Laboratory which will begin the following week (June 10). 

For further information, see also:  

Conference Planning Committee: 

Sara Dickinson (AWSS President) 

Melissa Bokovoy

Michele Rivkin-Fish

Joe Lenkart (Head, SRS) 

Katherine Ashcraft 

Olga Makarova

Serenity Stanton Orengo 

For questions please email: