CFP: JIS Symposium 2022: “The American Century & Its Challenges: U.S., Russia, China” (Online)

Deadline: June 1, 2022

Suggested Themes:
It is by now legendary that the 20th century was “the American Century.”
But, did the West celebrate prematurely the implosion of the Soviet
empire? Apart from “Havana Syndrome” (microwave attacks on U.S.
diplomats), Putin’s Russia, and its war to reclaim Ukraine, remains a
major geopolitical rival, with its hackers holding U.S. companies
hostage for ransom. Of the remaining communist one-party
states–People’s Republic of China, N. Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and
Cuba–“China” poses the greatest challenge. China’s hackers excel at
stealing U.S. civilian and military tech secrets, while its trade and
investment policies aim to create dependent “vassal” states. Thus, U.S.
companies are constrained by lack of parts that are manufactured abroad,
including strategic high tech and medicines. The question arises: Can
the U.S. heal its unprecedented internal social divisions of identity
politics, and find the courage to withstand China’s “smoke-and-mirrors”
gambit for world domination? According to David P. Goldman’s You Will Be
Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World, “China” has thrown
down the gauntlet globally, whose success would signify the ultimate
triumph of its “Made in China” strategy. Can democracies compete with
dictatorships in the 21st century without becoming like their
adversaries? If so, how can the American experiment in popular
self-government meet the challenges of an uncharted future?

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CFP: Bobby R. Inman Award

Deadline: June 30, 2022

Overview: The Inman Award competition is designed to recognize outstanding research and writing by students at the undergraduate or graduate levels on topics related to intelligence and national security. There is no prescribed topic, format, or length for papers submitted. It is presumed that most papers will have been prepared to satisfy a course or degree requirement of the author’s academic program. Co-authored and “team project” papers will be accepted.

About: The Bobby R. Inman award recognizes more than six decades of distinguished public service by Bobby R. Inman, Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret.). Admiral Inman served in multiple leadership positions in the U.S. military, intelligence community, private industry, and at The University of Texas. His previous intelligence posts include Director of Naval Intelligence, Vice-Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Director of the National Security Agency, and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. He continues to serve as an advisor and mentor to UT students and faculty members, and current government officials.

Eligibility: All undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at an accredited U.S. higher education institution during the 2021-22 academic year are eligible to participate. A student may submit only one paper that has not been published previously.

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CFP: JIS Symposium – The American Century and its Challenges

Deadline: May 15, 2022

Special Panel: Russia-Ukraine Reconciliation: Two People, One Faith–The Promise of Eastern Orthodoxy

Keynote: Charles McDaniel (Baylor University): “Reinhold Niebuhr’s Vision: Christian Realism in an Emergent World Order” 

Suggested Themes:

It is by now legendary that the 20th century was “the American Century.”  But, did the West celebrate prematurely the implosion of the Soviet empire?  Apart from “Havana Syndrome” (microwave attacks on U.S. diplomats), Putin’s Russia, and its war to reclaim Ukraine, remains a major geopolitical rival, with its hackers holding U.S. companies hostage for ransom.  Of the remaining communist one-party states–People’s Republic of China, N. Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba–“China” poses the greatest challenge.  China’s hackers excel at stealing U.S. civilian and military tech secrets, while its trade and investment policies aim to create dependent “vassal” states.  Thus, U.S. companies are constrained by lack of parts that are manufactured abroad, including strategic high tech and medicines.  The question arises: Can the U.S. heal its unprecedented internal social divisions of identity politics, and find the courage to withstand China’s “smoke-and-mirrors” gambit for world domination?  According to David P. Goldman’s You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World, “China” has thrown down the gauntlet globally, whose success would signify the ultimate triumph of its “Made in China” strategy.  Can democracies compete with dictatorships in the 21st century without becoming like their adversaries?  If so, how can the American experiment in popular self-government meet the challenges of an uncharted future?

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Seminar: A Revealing Portrait – Discovering Lloyd Patterson

Event Date: May 12, 2022

When Andrew Leddy purchased a portrait from a Moscow antique shop in 1992, the identity of the portrait’s subject was shrouded in mystery. Who was this young black man captured in a heroic and romantic light under a turbulent sky? With research and a little luck, Leddy uncovered the compelling story of its subject, Lloyd Walton Patterson. 

Patterson ventured to Stalin’s Moscow in 1932 as part of a group of Black Americans who traveled to Soviet Russia to make a film intended to tell the true story of pervasive racism in the United States. While many, including prominent Harlem Renaissance literary figures and activists Langston Hughes, Louise Thompson, and Dorothy West, returned to the United States, Patterson stayed and led a remarkable life in a country so different from his native land.

Join Andrew Leddy and Hillwood chief curator Wilfried Zeisler to explore the stories behind the portrait of Lloyd Patterson, on loan to Hillwood and now on view in Hillwood’s pavilion, and their connections to the culture and politics of race in America in the 1930s. 

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CFP: Industrious Nations: Reconsidering Nationality and Economy in the Soviet Union

Deadline: May 22, 2022

Princeton, New Jersey
October 28-29, 2022

Call for Papers
Deadline: May 22, 2022

Co-sponsored by Princeton University’s Department of History and Columbia University’s Harriman Institute

Russia’s attack on Ukraine illustrates the continued importance of understanding the historical formation of national narratives in post-Soviet spaces. Marking the centennial of the Soviet Union’s founding in 1922, this two-day workshop will explore the relationship between national identity and the economy in the Soviet Union. Although the pursuit of economic equality among all national groups was an explicit goal of Soviet economic policy, the interplay of nationality and economic issues has received little scholarly attention. Historians writing on nationality in the Soviet Union have long focused on the politics of language and culture. At the same time, scholars researching the Soviet economy have often tacitly assumed a uniform, technocratic, de-nationalized society, revealing an imagined binary of Soviet vs. national. In a similar vein, studies of the Soviet working class have long centered on ethnic Russians, paying little attention to other national groups.

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CFP: Northeast Modern Language Association Conference (NeMLA)

Deadline: April 29, 2022

As area director in comparative literature and Slavic studies, I invite you to submit session proposals for next year’s Northeast Modern Language Association conference (NeMLA) at Niagara Falls (USA) to be held on March 23-26, 2023.  At our last convention in Baltimore we already had several excellent sessions on Russian poetry and prose, and it would be wonderful to continue these conversations and to have a broader representation of the Slavic field at NeMLA. The deadline for Call for Session Proposals is April 29.

Please propose a session for inclusion in the Northeast Modern Language Association’s 54th Annual Convention in Niagara Falls, NY, March 23-26, 2023. Chair guidelines and information about session formats are available on our website.

Click here to propose a session!* The deadline is April 29, 2022.

*Abstract proposals will be accepted between June 15 and September 30.

The Thursday opening address will be given by Tim Dean. The Friday keynote event will be given by Anne Enright.

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NeMLA · 306 Clemens Hall · Buffalo, NY · 14260-4610 ·

CFP: Firms, Wars, and Ethics in the Business History of Central, East Europe, and Russia

Deadline: April 28, 2022

Place: Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice
Date: October 21-22, 2022

For this 4th Workshop on Business History in Central and Eastern Europe, the organizers invite scholars, including Ph.D. students of any relevant discipline to submit paper proposals on a broad range of topics related to business actors & corporate behavior in (and after) armed conflicts during the 20th century.

The workshop will particularly draw on historical research on the two World Wars and their aftermaths to provide tentative answers to several questions evoked by the Russia-Ukraine war of 2022. The aim is to explore the relationship between business and geopolitics from a long-term historical perspective focusing on the economic and social consequences of the war, including (de)globalization processes.

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Seminar: Summer Research Lab Research Training Workshop

We are pleased to announce in June we will be hosting a Research Training Workshop on the theme of “Northern Convergence: Peoples, Environment, and Politics in Russia’s Arctic and Sub-Arctic” co-hosted by Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer (Georgetown University) and Vera Solovyeva (George Mason University and American Museum of Natural History).  

In these unstable times of climate change and geopolitical testing, Russia’s Arctic and sub-Arctic have become increasingly significant.  What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic, as a recent National Academy of Science symposium proclaimed.  This workshop explores the implications of instability and the potential for sustainable multiethnic communities in Siberia and the Far East.  We pay particular attention to Indigenous peoples, historically left out of conversations about development but increasingly part of long-term planning.  Legally defined “small-numbered peoples” in Russia number over 40 groups, many of whom live in the North. In addition, according to United Nations definitions, Indigenous peoples numbering over 50,000 with their own republics within Russia should also be included.  These larger groups have gained a degree of negotiated sovereignty in the post-Soviet period, but that self-determination has become threatened, especially in the past decade.     

Please note that participants interested in applying to The Summer Research Laboratory (SRL) can still be admitted on a rolling basis. 

We wish you the best in this painful time.  Please be in touch should you have any questions about the SRL program and application process or the Research Training Workshop on the theme of “Northern Convergence: Peoples, Environment, and Politics in Russia’s Arctic and Sub-Arctic.”  You may reach us at  

CFA: 2022 Midwest Slavic Association Student Essay Prize Competition

Deadline: May 2, 2022

The Midwest Slavic Association, with support from the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), is now accepting submissions for its annual essay prize competition for undergraduate and graduate students. Students can submit a paper on any topic related to Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies to the Midwest Slavic Association for consideration. The best undergraduate paper received will win a one-year membership to ASEEES, and the graduate winner will receive a one-year membership to ASEEES, as well as then being considered for the ASEEES Graduate Student Essay Prize national level competition. The graduate winner of the ASEEES Student Essay Prize at the national level wins travel, lodging, and registration for the Annual ASEEES Convention and membership for the following year. The prize is presented during the awards presentation at the Annual Convention.

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CFP: Chernobyl as a Historical Caesura: Environment, Politics, and Science

Deadline: May 15, 2022

The Departments of Social Sciences and of Humanities of the University of Naples Federico II, the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, and the Department of History of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy are pleased to announce an open call for papers for the conference Chernobyl as a Historical Caesura: Environment, Politics, and Science to be held in Naples on 9-10 December 2022.

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