CFP: Central Asia Forum

Deadline: January 31, 2024

February 28–29, 2024 (on zoom)

Hosted by the Slavic Reference Service

The Central Asia Research Forum aims to bring together scholars in all disciplines and stages of the research process to discuss the many interpretations of the forum theme Civil Society in Central Asia. Since 1991, civil society in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan has undergone significant transformations and revitalization that warrants continued scholarly attention. We invite all those interested to submit proposals for paper presentations, panels, and roundtables on this year’s theme. We also invite proposals that shed light on the current condition of contemporary civil society since the start of the Russia–Ukraine War and how those societies view and interact with each other on their own terms.

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Research and Pre-Tenure Scholarships (Kennan Institute)

Deadline: January 31, 2024

The Kennan Institute is proud to announce that there is still time to apply for Title VIII Research, Summer, and Pre-Tenure Fellowships. Applications will close next Wednesday, January 31. Please find more information about each grant below. Any questions on the available grants can be sent to Please do forward this to any other colleagues who might be interested.


Title VIII Pre-Tenure Scholarships lasting up to six months are available to academic participants seeking time for research but unable to conduct fieldwork. Applicants should have received their PhDs no earlier than spring 2014, and the grant is open to any untenured scholars working on or off the tenure track. Scholars will spend a semester in Washington, D.C. to conduct original research on new projects that advance the Title VIII mission. Policy relevant research proposals examining Russia, Ukraine, and the countries of Eurasia are eligible. Awards are limited to scholars who are U.S. citizens. More:


Title VIII Research Scholarships lasting three to nine months are available to academic participants in the early stages of their career (before tenure) or scholars whose careers have been interrupted or delayed. For non-academics, an equivalent degree of professional achievement is expected. Eligibility is limited to the postdoctoral level for academic participants, although doctoral candidates in the process of completing a dissertation may apply (the dissertation must be successfully defended before taking residence at the Kennan Institute). Research proposals examining the countries of Eurasia are eligible. Those proposals related to regional Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Belarus, the Caucasus, and contemporary issues are particularly welcome. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. More:

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Study Abroad: To Reason Russia from the Mind: An Original Summer School on Russian Language and Culture in an Era of Change (Tallinn, Estonia)

Info Session: January 22, 2024

Fedor Tiutchev, the renowned nineteenth-century Russian poet, defined his relationship to Russia as follows: “Russia cannot be reasoned from the mind / nor measured on a common scale.” Unfortunately, the realities of our time precludes us from the luxury of “not reasoning Russia from the mind.” We must strive towards this goal, and such is the objective of our summer school on Russian language and culture which will take place in the delightful atmosphere of Russophone Tallinn from June 10-July 19, 2024.

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Summer School in Yerevan: Societies and Cultures Torn Apart: Conflict and Cohesion

Deadline: January 16, 2024

Deadline Approaching (January 16) for Summer School in Yerevan: Societies and Cultures Torn Apart: Conflict and Cohesion, June 15-29, 2024

The Summer School aims to bring graduate students and advanced undergraduate students together with senior scholars from leading research institutions for a two-week intensive session in Armenia that will involve lectures, seminars, workshops, and excursions.  The Summer School is scheduled to run from June 15-29, 2024 and applications are now open. 

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CFP: Infrastructures of Trading and Transferring Art since 1900 (workshop) | June 26–28, 2024, KEMKI – Central European Research Institute for Art History, Budapest, Hungary 

Deadline: January 31, 2024

Although art market studies as an academic field has become increasingly popular in the last decade, there has been little research that critically examines the actors, places, rules, and structures of this system. This workshop aims to explore the infrastructures through which artworks have been produced and exchanged for goods, money, services, and reputation since 1900.
Our focus is not only on the dominant and well-known structures of the art market but also on alternative practices in specific times and places and under various regimes. Proposals may relate but are not limited to the following topics and can present arguments based of case studies or an overarching thesis:- Actors and networks for transferring and trading art, such as auction houses, dealers, galleries, museums, art societies, artists’ networks or collectives, dealer and/or collector consortia, laymen;- Locations and platforms for trading and transferring art, such as museums, freeports, hotels, apartments, fairs, and online platforms;- State involvement in trading and transferring art, such as commissioning monumental art/murals, guaranteed buying, soft power cultural politics, censorship;- Communication for trading and transferring art, such as art critique or catalogue raisonné writing by dealers, advertisement or PR;- Logistics and shipping of trading and transferring art- Finances of trading and transferring art, such as collateralization or tax deduction;- Illicit or unethical trading and transferring of art such as unprovenanced and/or looted objects, forgeries, insider trade.

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SCAS and Virtual Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study (VUIAS)

Deadline: January 28, 2024

CAS and Virtual Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study (VUIAS)
The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study participates in a recently launched initiative to support Ukrainian scholars in their effort to found a Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study (UIAS) in Kyiv. Behind the initiative is the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, in close cooperation with partner institutes in Ukraine, other parts of Europe, and the United States.

The operations of a virtual institution, VUIAS, commenced in September 2023, whereas full-scale institutional activities on-site in Ukraine will only be possible at a later stage. The goals of the newly founded institution are manifold: VUIAS will mobilize support for scholarships under conditions of war and contribute to rebuilding Ukrainian academia once the war is over. By connecting Ukrainian scholars in and outside Ukraine, VUIAS
will more strongly integrate Ukrainian scholars into the international academic landscape and broaden and deepen knowledge on Ukraine within global academia.

In the initial phase, two kinds of fellowships are offered: VUIAS Fellowships abroad and VUIAS Fellowships in Ukraine. The SCAS-VUIAS Fellowship Programme offers 1 or 2 VUIAS Fellowships abroad to Ukrainian scholars.

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Graduate applications to UIUC: deadline extended, funding still available

Deadline: January 12, 2024

The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Slavic literatures and cultures to apply to our graduate program. Qualified students beginning their graduate career at Illinois are guaranteed five years of financial support, contingent on satisfactory progress. Support includes fellowships, teaching, research and graduate assistantships, summer stipends, and the opportunity for an editorial assistantship at Slavic Review, the world’s leading English-language academic journal in our discipline, which is based on our campus. We also welcome applicants who have completed an M.A. in Slavic Languages and Literatures or related fields.

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IRES Visiting Researcher Program Spring 2024

Deadline: January 21, 2024

Link to more information:

Link to application:

The Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES) at Uppsala University announces the call for applications for the IRES Visiting Researcher Program for spring 2024. The program offers a one-month research fellowship at IRES, including travel, accommodation and a stipend of 20 000 SEK. Full access to IRES premises and Uppsala University library resources is provided throughout the research period. The current round of applications offers one individual fellowship.

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Research and Pre-Tenure Scholarships (Kennan Institute)

Deadline: January 31, 2024


Title VIII Research Scholarships lasting three to nine months are available to academic participants in the early stages of their career (before tenure) or scholars whose careers have been interrupted or delayed. For non-academics, an equivalent degree of professional achievement is expected. Eligibility is limited to the postdoctoral level for academic participants, although doctoral candidates in the process of completing a dissertation may apply (the dissertation must be successfully defended before taking residence at the Kennan Institute). Research proposals examining the countries of Eurasia are eligible. Those proposals related to regional Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Belarus, the Caucasus, and contemporary issues are particularly welcome. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. More:

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