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Over the course of this inspection, the king’s representatives visited hundreds of locations throughout New Spain. The map below helps quantify the high number of inspection areas. Each of the documents featured below records Galvez’s interactions with local subjects in different areas of the viceroyalty.

 Copia del informe que dio el Illmo señor Visitador General, al excmo señor Virrey sobre la provision del Papel necesario á la labor de Puros y Zigarros por cuenta del estanco del Tabaco 

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Copy of the Report that the Visitador Gave to the Viceroy about the Provision of Paper Necessary for the Production of Cigarettes

Number of pages: 12

Date: 1771 (original creation date)

Description: This document provides a brief outline of a contemporary discussion about how much paper the Mexican tobacco industry needed to import. Gálvez summarizes the situation for the viceroy and suggests solutions.

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Copia certificada del Reglamento formado por el Ilmo. Señor Visitador Genl. en 24 de mayo de 1768 para la Administracion e cuenta de la Real Hazda. de las Salinas del Zapotillo, Sentipac otras unidas. Departamento de San Blas

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Certified Copy of the Ruling Issued by the Visitador on 24 May 1768 for the Administration and Royal Treasury of the Salt Mines of Zapotillo, Sentipac, and Other Areas in the Department of San Blas

Date: 1768 (original creation date)

Number of pages: 12

Description: In this document, Gálvez outlines new regulations for salt extraction and sale, designed to increase the efficiency and profitability of the industry for the royal treasury.

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Informe del Visitador General al Excmo. Señor Marqués de Croix sobre la inadmisible pretension de libertar del Tributo á los operarios de minas de Goanaxto

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Report from the Visitador to Marquis de Croix about the Inadmissible Pretension of Freeing the Mine Workers of Guanaxto (Guanajuato) from Tribute

Date: 1769

Number of pages: 10*

Description: In this document, Gálvez expresses concern for the Guanajuato city council’s decision to end the tribute system. He explains the danger of such an act, and makes it clear that he does not support it.

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Estados e informe del Contador General de Alcavalas en que se demuestran las utilidades conseguidas en ellas con las providencias de Visita

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Reports from the General Sales Tax Accountant which Demonstrates the Benefits Obtained from Them, as Determined by the Inspection

Date: 1769

Number of pages: 24

Description: In a series of written explanations and data tables, Gálvez compiled a summary of sales tax collected from dozens of cities, towns, and villages. The document notes increases and decreases over time.

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Lesson plan: Undergraduate

Auto proveido por el Illmo. Señor Visitador General sobre la Alcavala de las Haciendas de Eclesiasticos

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Decree Provided by the Visitador about the Sales Tax of Ecclesiastical Haciendas

Date: 1770

Number of pages: 6

Description: In a decree from late 1770, the Visitador issues a series of orders about the sales tax obligations and privileges of an ecclesiastical institution. This document records those orders and their approval by the viceroy.

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Carta escrita por el Illmo. Señor Visitador General a todos los curas del Reyno para que se encarguen del expendio de Sumarios de la Bula de la santa Cruzada

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Letter Written by the Visitador to All the Priests of the Kingdom So That They Take Charge of the Distribution of the Summaries of the Papal Bull of the Holy Crusade

Date: 1767

Number of pages: 5

Description: In 1767, Gálvez wrote to the entire priesthood of New Spain. In this document, he gives broad instructions about distributing a papal bull about some economic concerns, including indulgences and taxes. Once again, he makes it clear that he has the approval of the viceroy.

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Instruccion provisional formada por el Illmo. señor Visitador General para que el Ramo de Cruzada se administre de cuenta de la Real Hazienda

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Provisional Instruction Created by the Visitador Ordering the Administration of the Royal Treasury by the the Crusade Branch

Date: 12 December 1767

Number of pages: 9

Description: In this document, Gálvez discusses ecclesiastical finances, ordering the distribution and compliance with his mandates down the hierarchy of church officials throughout the realm.

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Informe y estado de los ofiziales Reales de esta Caxa Matriz de los valores del Ramo de Bulas en la ultima Predicación, cotejados con los que tubo en la antecedente del tiempo de los Arrendamientos  

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Report by the Royal Officials of the Treasury of the City of Mexico on Values, Compared with those from the Previous Rent Cycle

Date: 3 December 1771

Number of pages: 7

Description: This document is related to rent collection in six parish districts of New Spain over two periods: 1767-8 and 1769-70. Gálvez provides a written synthesis of this information and also records the data in a table. He emphasizes the increase in revenue between these two periods.

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Lesson plan: High School

Documentos que se citan en el informe sobre la Renta del tabaco, sin otros que se refieren y estan en la secretaria del Virreynato

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Some of the Documents Cited in the Report on Tobacco

Date: 1771

Number of pages: 7

Description: This is another document that Gálvez created with the goal of communicating information in a readable way. He describes the state of the tobacco production in his written report, and then summarizes it in a table. In the table, he clearly outlines the labors performed at the factory and gives an overview of how many workers were employed at each task.

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Instruccion provisional para el arreglo en la administracion y manejo de las rentas y dros. des. m. en la nueva ciudad de vera cruz

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Provisional Instruction for the Administration of Rent in the New City of Vera Cruz

Date: 1767

Number of pages: 104

Description: This comprehensive report details Gálvez’s orders for various forms of revenue collection in Vera Cruz. It contains financial information about these charges and describes the responsibilities of the many officials involved.

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Instruccion para el mejor gobierno y administracion de los propios y arbitrios de Mexico 

Translated Title, Abbreviated: Instruction for Good Governance and Administration of Properties Subject to Tribute and Tax

Date: 1771

Number of pages: 26

Description: In this document, Gálvez provides dozens of guidelines for the occupations of local officials and for both the imposition and collection of various taxes.

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