Orhan Kemal studied extensively under the tutelage of Nazim Hikmet in the early 1940s while in Bursa prison.
His autobiography 3.5 years in prison with Nazim touches on all sorts of issues about his metalinguistic awareness. A sort of process of learning to be become simultaneously unaware of normative language, but somehow more refined and sophisticated that normal speech. Chapter starting on pg. 83 especially revealing
To what extent did Tahir undergo a similar process?
Kemal mentions the influence of two books which sort of dictated Ottoman style: Edebiyat-i Osmaniyye and Talim-i Edebiyat.
”demek istiyorum ki, küçüklükleri, aldıkları konular itibariyle henüz tam kıvamlarını bulamamışlıkları bir yana, yeni şiirin zevkine, diline, bilhassa, bilhassa doğallığın tadına varmak için, eskimiş, pörsümüş, kokmuş, gayrisamimi ”kuralcılık”tan sıyrılmak lazım!”
What was his earliest poetry like? (article in folder)
What is the relationship between Orhan’s engagement with different genres (he even wrote a film script guide)