Source: The Guardian A common argument you might hear about is that the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant disaster scared the world away from pursuing nuclear energy. The only problem is that argument is not particularly well-supported by the evidence. In some countries, the disaster shifted preferences against nuclear, but… read more
Energy Production
What does the Indian General Election mean for Climate Change?
As more than 850 million Indians look to elect a new government this year, it is not clear if “election issue” for any of the major political parties. None of the parties have actively campaigned using the climate change or environmental sustainability platform. This is partly a result of issues like economic… read more
Legal Framework for CCS in China: What will the future hold?
This is the second part of a two-part post on the state of CCS in China According to a white paper from the Center for Climate Change Law, the National Development Reform Commission in China published a “Circular on Promoting the Trials of Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage.” The document… read more