In 2010, electricity and heat production accounted for 41% of global CO2 emissions, representing the single largest contribution to greenhouse gas emissions on the sectoral level. Moreover, the sector’s emissions will likely continue to increase as developing countries strive to meet the growing energy demands of their populations and stimulate economic… read more
Renewable Energy
Germany’s “Energy Poverty”
In the wake of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor disaster of 2011, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced a controversial plan to shut down all of Germany’s nuclear power facilities by 2022. The end goal of this plan is for 80 percent of Germany’s energy production to be from renewable sources.[1] There… read more
After Fukushima: Japan’s Climate and Energy Policy Under Review
The 2011 nuclear accident that occurred at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi reactor sent shockwaves through the nuclear power industry. The resulting lack of trust in the safety of nuclear power is causing countries around the world to reconsider their use of nuclear reactors to generate energy. Nowhere is the debate about… read more