Kamran Javadizadeh, an assistant professor in the English Department at Villanova University, visited the Ransom Center this fall to conduct research for his current book project, “Bedlam & Parnassus: The Institutionalization of Midcentury American Poetry.” The idea for Javadizadeh’s book began when he discovered that Ezra Pound and Elizabeth Bishop… read more
Video highlights fellow’s “humanizing” research in the reading room
Alison Stone, a doctoral student at the University of Exeter, recently spent time in the Ransom Center’s reading room conducting research for her thesis, “Contemporary British Poetry and Objectivism.” Her thesis will chart the exchange of ideas and influences between a group of British poets of the 1950s and 1960s,… read more
Dylan Thomas exhibition in New York features materials from the Ransom Center’s collections
“I went on all over the States, ranting poems to enthusiastic audiences that, the week before, had been equally enthusiastic about lectures on Railway Development or the Modern Turkish Essay.” –Dylan Thomas (1914–1953) Dylan Thomas in America—A Centennial Exhibition, which opened yesterday at the 92nd Street Y’s Weill Art Gallery,… read more