British actress Vivien Leigh is best remembered for her part as Scarlett O’Hara, the beautiful Southern belle who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Her inspired performance won an Academy Award for Best Actress. However, when word got out that she was being considered for the role,… read more
Exhibitions + Events
#Franklymydear, we want your best line
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” The iconic last words of Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind almost weren’t, because use of the word “damn” in films was expressly prohibited in the Production Code. Anticipating objections by the Hays Office (the entity that governed moral code… read more
Database of fan mail documents emotional response from “Gone With The Wind” fans, detractors
As part of the recently launched web exhibition Producing Gone With The Wind, the Ransom Center has launched a new database of fan mail from the David O. Selznick collection. Researchers now have the opportunity to explore a selection of letters sent to Selznick International Pictures in the 1930s through… read more