schema conversion – ready for Group B

Fellow TARO participants,

It is now time for the “Group B” TARO repositories to be scheduled for conversion to schema compliance.

If any repositories in that group are interested in being scheduled for this work sooner rather than later, please reply to Amanda Focke ( by the end of this week, July 1.

After hearing from repositories, we will post a specific schedule for conversion, and begin working with the first repositories.

Here is the blog post with the year’s schedule and basic info on how this will work.
**Please remember Minnie Rangel at TARO will do the conversion work and each repository will have help and personal attention along the way, ending with the repository having what they need to start submitting schema compliant finding aids.**

Here is the list (from that blog post of the Group B repositories):

Group B: Roughly scheduled for Summer / early Fall

Austin History Center, Austin Public Library (NoteTab)
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Notepad++)
Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library at the Alamo (Oxygen)
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin(Oxygen)
Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library, John P. McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center (Oxygen)
Houston Public Library, Houston Metropolitan Research Center (limbo between AT/AS)
San Jacinto Museum of History (Oxygen)
Southern Methodist University (Oxygen)
Stark Center, University of Texas at Austin (Notepad++)
Stephen F. Austin University (limbo between Archon/AS)
Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas at Austin (Oxygen)
Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Oxygen)
Texas Tech University Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library (Oxygen)
Texas/Dallas History and Archives Division, Dallas Public Library (NoteTab)
The University of Texas at Austin. Alexander Architectural Archive (Oxygen) –CONVERTED FEB 2016 IN TARO PILOT WORK
The University of Texas at Austin. Benson Latin American Collection (Oxygen)
The University of Texas at Austin. Dolph Briscoe Center for American History (Oxygen)
Truman G. Blocker, Jr. History of Medicine Collections,
Moody Medical Library, University of Texas Medical Branch (Oxygen)
Tyrrell Historical Library (Oxygen) University Archives and Special Collections The University of Texas at Tyler (limbo between Archon/AS)
University of Texas Arlington Library, Special Collections (XMetal)
University of Texas San Antonio (Oxygen)


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