TARO June 2022 news and updates

Good morning all!

Hard to believe it is summer. It feels as though I blinked and nearly missed all of June. I hope all is well with you and your institutions; and that things have slowed to a nice smooth summer pace. Here are a few brief updates for June:

-May statistics are now available and can be viewed/downloaded from our Wiki page

-Welcome our new member: The University of Texas at Dallas

– Work continues on TXarchives.org thanks to additional funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). Stay tuned for more updates!

-We need subcommittee members!! If you, or someone in your institution, would be interested in serving on a subcommittee we are in need of volunteers for Outreach/Education, Authorized Terms and Web/Tech. Outreach is perfect for those who like designing training materials, guides, webinars, and participating in outreach. If you are interested in user experience (UX) studies and working with the developers on testing new site features, then Web/Tech is the place for you! Have cataloging experience or just a passion for standardized terminology? We could use your expertise on the Authorized Terms Subcommittee.

-If you are attending SAA (in person, virtual, or hybrid), be sure to watch the Encoded Archival Standards Section meeting. EAS Section and TS-EAS is hosting a moderated panel and discussion on encoded archival standards in the context of aggregators of archival description (e.g., Archives Portal Europe, Online Archive of California, Archives Hub, ArchiveGrid, etc.) both within and outside of the United States. Panel participants will include representatives and maintainers of archival aggregation sites as well as users and contributors.

That is all for now. Be well and keep cool!


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