Onboarding Steps
- You will receive onboarding items through your Workday inbox. It is important that you complete these items promptly, especially section one of your I-9.
- Obtain your UT ID card at the Flawn Academic Center’s ID card desk (2304 Whitis Ave, they have 15 minute parking spots outside the building, but you can also park in the pay parking on 24th St. between Whitis and Guadalupe St. The desk is open 10am-5pm on weekdays).
- If you have not already set up your password, please do so at the Flawn Academic Center IT help desk (next to the ID desk).
- Meet with your department contact to process your I-9. You must bring official documentation from this list.
- Reach out to your department chair or area head if you have questions about your syllabus or anything academic related.
- Please let your department contact know if you would like an @austin.utexas.edu email address. These emails are available to all tenured, tenure-track, and career non-tenure track faculty.
Helpful Links
- New Employee Checklist
- New Employee Benefits Enrollment Checklist
- New Employee Resources
- Academic Calendar
- Parking Passes
- UT Direct
- Canvas
- Class Information Page (CLIPs)
- Child Care at UT
- Provost Office Faculty Website
- Provost Office Faculty Campus Resources Webpage
- Workday
- Access to pay slips, sick leave balance, I-9 compliance, W2/tax documents, update personal information, etc.
More resources (e.g. Canvas setup, HR forms, IT support, behavior reporting, etc.) available on Academic & Administrative Resources page.
- New Employee Orientation
- Hosted by Human Resources and covers topics like university culture, services, resources and benefits.
- Offered every Monday, 8:15-11 am. Ask your department contact to register you.
- New Faculty Symposium
- Hosted by the Provost’s Office and serves as a networking opportunity and introduction to the university’s leadership. See website for past programs
- Offered in late August every year.
- College of Fine Arts Orientation and Welcome
- Hosted by the College of Fine Arts Dean’s Office and will include college history, introduction to key college leadership, and a short walking tour.
- Offered in late August every year.
Page last updated: 6/24/2022