The Fine Arts Creative Research Grant is a competitive application for research funding to support direct costs of a College of Fine Arts faculty member’s research project during one academic year. The amount awarded will be in response to the submitted budget but will not exceed $10,000. This is funded from a college endowment and the annual budget for the program is $80,000.
All tenure-track, tenured, practice-series, and instruction-series faculty members of any rank who have a faculty appointment within the College of Fine Arts or one of its constituent departments or schools are eligible to apply. Applicants must attend one session on How to Write A Successful Grant.
- Session 1: September 13, 2024, 9AM-10AM, Kendra Scott Center
- Session 2: October 2024 (day, location, and time TBD)
- Session 3: November 15, 2024, 9AM-10AM, location TBD
Criteria and Selection Process
Applications will be evaluated by your department chair or school director and a college-wide faculty review committee. The evaluation criteria are the quality of the project proposal and the expected impact of the research project. In addition, proposals from assistant-rank faculty members and for which the faculty member has also applied for external funding will be prioritized. The dean will make the final decision regarding which proposals to fund.
Application Procedure
To apply, please submit an application here by December 2, 2024:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Project Proposal, including:
- Brief description or abstract of the research project
- Description of the specific activities this funding will support
- Benefits, anticipated impact, and expected outcome of the project
- Budget, identifying the specific amount requested from this program and what it will be used for
- Proof of application for external funding for this research project, if applicable
Funding this year will be made available for use as soon as March 3, 2025 and will be accessible until August 31, 2026.
Post-Award Report
Faculty members who receive this funding will be required to submit a post-award report, explaining how the funding was used and what benefit resulted from it, within 120 days of the end of access of this financial resource.
Example Applications:
Page last updated: 08/20/2024