Study Abroad: Eastern Europe/Russia Extended Deadline (SRAS)

Deadline for application: November 15, 2017

The School of Russian & Asian Studies (SRAS), an organization dedicated to educational opportunities offered by Russia and Eurasia, would like to announce extended application deadlines for the following selected spring programs abroad.

You can find all these programs listed, with hyperlinks, on the SRAS website.

You can also find information on the select programs below:

Security and Society (Feb 26 – June 29; Apply by NOV 15). Hosted in Warsaw, Poland, this wide-ranging course allows students to choose from courses in security studies, cybersecurity, health policy, Jewish studies, new media, criminal justice, and more. Note that this link will take you to a new site dedicated to this program.

Policy and Conflict in the Post-Soviet Space (Feb 2 – May 18; Apply by NOV 15). Students will visit Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and Russia and will discuss the conflicts in these states, both past and present, with local students, teachers, and experts.

Russian as a Second Language (Feb 5 – May 25; Apply by NOV 15). The extended deadlines are available in Kiev and Bishkek only.

Central Asian Studies (Jan 29 – May 18; Apply by Oct 15). Based in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and including regional travel to several other Central Asian Program, this course introduces students to local cultures, geopolitics, and conflict resolution.

FUNDING: Challenge Grants Meet the challenge, gain the grant! Apply with any of the above programs; deadlines are the same as those listed for the program.

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants need not be currently enrolled in a university program. No prior knowledge of Russian (or other foreign language) required for any program.

To apply, students need to register on the SRAS site, which will give access to their online application.

Any student with questions, please don’t hesitate to contact SRAS representative Lisa Ellering Horner @