Deadline for Submissions: February 28, 2018
SlaviCorp 2018, conference on Slavic corpus linguistics announces a call for papers.
The call can be found at:
It will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on 24 — 26 September 2018
Conference website:
Conference topics
The conference aims to cover a wide range of topics related to research
on Slavic languages:
– corpus research on any Slavic language, including also contrastive
topics using parallel or comparable corpora;
– development of Slavic language resources: corpora, lexica, annotation,
– applications of Slavic language resources for language technologies.
The official language of the conference is English.
The main conference will consist of plenary lectures and regular presentations
of full papers. Full papers will be allowed 20 minutes for presentation
and 10 minutes for discussion.
The conference will be accompanied by the workshop on language
variability and multi-dimensional analysis in the form of a panel of
experts involved in variability analyses, including a lecture delivered
by Prof. Douglas Biber. The workshop will be free and open to all
conference participants.
We invite submissions of extended abstracts that reflect any of the
conference topics. The extended abstracts should be between 500 and 800
words long (excluding references) and they are to be submitted on-line
through EasyChair:
The deadline for submission of the abstracts has been extended to 28
February 2018. The abstracts will be anonymously peer-reviewed by the
Programme Committee, notification of acceptance will be sent out by the
end of April 2018.
As the primary goal of the conference is to create an open meeting place
for researchers in Slavic languages and to serve as a platform for a
fruitful exchange of ideas, we are not planning to print any
proceedings. However, the extended abstracts will be published online on
the conference web.
Conference fee
Detailed information about the conference fee will be provided in April,
once the conference budget is finalized. However, our preliminary
estimate is that it will NOT exceed 200 EUR (including the catering
during coffee breaks and lunches).
The conference is organized by the Institute of the Czech National
Corpus, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
All relevant information about the conference is available on where all updates will also be posted.
To contact the organizers: