Academic Job: Fellowship with Slavic-Eurasian Center (Hokkaido Uni)

Deadline for Applications: October 15, 2018

The Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC) of Hokkaido University is pleased to announce the 41st round of the SRC’s Foreign Visitors Fellowship Program for 2019-2020.
Foreign specialists in studies of the former Soviet and East European countries, who are interested in spending several months at the SRC during the academic year of 2019-2020, may submit applications for this program.
1. Conditions of Awards (Excerpt)
  • One round-trip air ticket (economy-class) between the place of work of a fellow and Sapporo.
  • A living allowance of around 380,000 – 500,000 yen per month (subject to change).
  • Accommodation – either a flat in the University’s Foreign Scholars’ Residence or a furnished flat outside the University campus. The availability of the former depends on the period of stay. In both cases you will have to pay monthly rent and utilities cost.
  • An office at the Center (with the use of a personal computer) and access to all the University and library facilities.
  • The visiting scholar is free to engage in a limited amount of travel for professional purposes within Japan.
2. Obligations
  • The Center will expect each fellow to give at least two presentations at academic meetings held in Japan, including the SRC.
  • Each fellow must contribute an article during or immediately after his/her stay in Sapporo to the Center’s international refereed journal Acta Slavica Iaponica on a subject within the broad confines of Slavic and Eurasian studies (
  • The visiting fellow is also expected to give lectures to graduates students, actively join seminars and symposia, and collaborate with the SRC research fellows during and after his/her stay at the SRC.
3. Applications and References
  • Applicants should submit applications for this program by the deadline (October 15, 2018).
  • Applications must be sent by e-mail:
  • Downloadable application form 2019-2020 (see:
  • Each applicant is expected to have at least two letters of reference sent directly to the Center: one letter from the institution to which the applicant is attached, testifying that he or she will be free during the period of the stay in Sapporo, and another confidential letter from a recognized specialist in their field. 
  • It is the responsibility of applicants to make sure that letters of reference should arrive at the Center by the deadline.
  • Referees are requested to send their signed letters by e-mail:
4. Selection
The selection will be conducted in two stages: In the first stage the SRC makes a list of candidates of foreign fellows after carefully examining the applicants’ research plans, academic publications, possible contributions to the SRC’s projects and other factors. Preference is given to those who have both permanent academic positions and PhD degrees (or their equivalents).
The list will be submitted to the University’s special selection committee by the middle of November 2018.
In the second stage the University’s committee decides the final list of foreign fellows and the selection result will be informed to the SRC by the end of January 2019.
5. Notification
  • Applicants will be informed about the result of the first stage of the selection process inNovember 2018.
  • The SRC will inform all candidates about the final result of the selection in February 2019. 
More information about the fellowship:
Questions should be directed to Professor Adachi at: