Grad. Program: Summer Program in Public Policy (Archer Center)

Deadline for Applications: November 5, 2018

Live, Learn, and Intern in Washington, D.C, earning UT Austin credit! The Archer Center’s summer Graduate Program in Public Policy allows graduate students from all disciplines interested in policy and public service the opportunity to intern in Washington, D.C., while learning about the federal policymaking process as it pertains to their own academic and career goals. Open to students pursuing graduate or medical degrees across The University of Texas System, the program offers unparalleled opportunities to work, learn and network in the nation’s capital. Please visit the Archer Center website at or contact to learn more.

The Summer 2019 Graduate Program in Public Policy online application deadline is Monday, November 5, 2018 at 11:59 PM CST.


Graduate Archer Fellows choose their full-time internships based on personal, professional, and academic goals. From Capitol Hill to the White House, from the U.S. Department of Education to nonprofit organizations, from private consulting firms to national and international associations, Archer Graduate Fellows gain invaluable real world experience in D.C.’s most prestigious institutions. Fellows are responsible for researching and applying to the internship of their choice. However, Archer Center staff and their vast contacts from throughout D.C. and the UT System provide guidance throughout the process.


UT Austin Graduate Archer Fellows earn nine (9) hours of in-residence credit for the following courses:

  • Inside Washington: Policymaking from the Ground Up (PAs388k: Federal Policy-DC, 3 credits), a study of the federal policymaking process, the institutions and people that comprise the federal government and policy advocacy.
  • Independent Study and Research (PAw389: Conf. Course in Policy Analysis, 3 credits). Each Fellow will work independently with an Archer Center faculty member to develop a policy research project that aligns with and advances the student’s professional, academic and/or research goals.  Watch summer 2018 Archer Fellow Jacque DeAnda speak about taking her policy proposal to Capitol Hill.
  • Internship (PAw396k: Internship in Public Policy-DC, 3 credits). Fellows work in a full-time internship for 10 weeks.

Graduate Archer Fellows also participate in a specialized working group in one of four topic areas: Education Policy, Health and Healthcare Policy, National Security Policy, or General Policy. These working groups enable Fellows to connect with policy leaders in their field through policy roundtables and tailored academic research projects. In addition, the arrangement fosters research and policy collaboration between Fellows.


Fellowship – or friendship – is the last aspect of the program. Archer Graduate Fellows have the opportunity to live together in luxury apartments near Union Station in the Capitol Hill neighborhood through an arrangement with Washington Intern Student Housing. Students often reflect that this is one of the most fulfilling personal aspects of the program and their time in D.C. Fellows form strong and lasting friendships and an instant network of UT System colleagues and contacts in Washington, D.C.


All students participating in the Graduate Program in Public Policy pay a flat Archer Center Program Fee in lieu of tuition and fees at their home institution, as well as the cost of housing, transportation, meals and incidentals. The Archer Center currently provides some partial stipends to help fund this experience in Washington, D.C., and funds have also been designated to support students studying specific policy areas. Please visit the Funding Your Fellowship page on the website for further information. Additionally, financial support has been available in past years to UT Austin students through the Graduate School, colleges and departments.

View the Archer Center’s (three-minute) video to learn first-hand from our founder, Congressman Bill Archer, and alumni about the impact of the program!


Wednesday, September 19, 2018, Info Session | 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. – SRH 3.314/3.355

Thursday, September 20, 2018, Info Session | 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – SZB 360A

Wednesday, October 3, 2018, Info Session | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. – MAI 220A- Life Science Library

Tuesday, October 30, 2018, Open Hours for Application Questions | 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – MAI 220E- Life Science Library

For additional information or to set up an individual meeting to discuss the Graduate Archer Fellowship, please email the Archer Center at