CFP: Bulgarian Studies Journal

Deadline: November 1, 2019

Bulgarian Studies (ISSN 2638-­9754) is an annual online peer-­edited journal that
includes content related to the study of Bulgaria and its culture.

For the 2019 issue we especially welcome contributions that consider the past three
decades after the demise of socialism in Bulgaria and the scholarly engagements with
them. We invite scholarly articles that focus on any aspect of the post-­socialist
experiences in Bulgaria from the perspectives of the humanities, arts, and social
Concurrently, we accept manuscripts on any other aspects related to Bulgarian history,
culture, and literature. Book reviews and review articles of newer publications related to Bulgaria are also welcome.

Articles that engage with comparative analysis of Bulgaria and other countries from the
region and the world are particularly encouraged.

Submission information:
Manuscripts should be sent in Word document (.doc or .docx)
to, by November 1, 2019. Texts should follow the
guidelines set forth in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition. Articles should be
between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes and appendices, and
reviews should be 500 to 1,500 words in length.

Please contact the Editor, Sanja Ivanov at with any