Intelligence Community Virtual Career Fair

Event Date: Wed., September 4, 2019

1 pm-7pm (EST) | online

If you do it, we need it. Science and technology. Business and mathematics. Foreign language and human resources. The United States Intelligence Community (IC) employs thousands of professionals in a wide variety of occupations.And we are currently looking for qualified candidates to fill key openings.

On Wednesday, September 4, 2019, you can meet representatives from nine U.S. intelligence agencies during the 2019 Spring Intelligence Community Virtual Career Fair. Reserve your spot today!

From the comfort of your computer or mobile device, you can:

  • Visit agency booths to explore available job opportunities
  • Chat with recruiters and subject matter experts
  • Learn about internships and other student opportunities

Who will be there?

I’d love to learn more! Where’s Registration?

Sneak Preview and On Demand! 
Registration is your virtual ticket not only to the event, but also to a limited sneak preview period which opens Tuesday, September 3, and an on-demand period September 5 – 9.

At the sneak preview, you’ll be able to familiarize yourself with the show environment and download informational materials ahead of time.

The on-demand period lets you come back to the show at your leisure to collect the materials you gathered or review presentations and other information. Plus, if you know you won’t be available on event day, register anyway to attend the show during the on-demand period.

Chat-with-recruiter functionality will only be available on event day.

More Info