Deadline: February 15, 2020
Call for Proposals – 52nd Annual ASEEES Convention
Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington DC
Thursday, November 5 – Sunday, November 8, 2020 [Please note the dates are earlier than than usual]Convention Theme: Anxiety and Rebellion
The Proposal Submission is now open: panel, roundtable, individual paper, lightning round presentation submissions are due by February 15, 2020.
All film screening submissions and meeting requests are due by April 1, 2020.
- The 2020 session categories are the same as 2019.
- Panel proposals may have minimum of 3 to maximum of 4 paper presentations.
- Gender diversity on panels and roundtables is strongly encouraged.
- If your individual paper submission was accepted in 2019, you cannot submit another individual paper proposal in 2020. Please form/join a panel.
- Starting in 2020, we are accepting film screening submissions online (deadline April 1, 2020)
Panelists Wanted Board: We are anticipating an exceptionally large number of proposals for the 2020 Convention. Individual paper submissions will have a MUCH LOWER chance of being accepted than panel/roundtable proposals. We STRONGLY encourage all interested participants to form, or become part of, a panel proposal. To assist in the process of forming panels, we have created the Panel/Paper Wanted Board. If you are looking for a panel to join or a paper presenter for your panel, please review the proposals on the online board. You can also indicate your willingness to volunteer as chair or discussant.
Rules for Participation: Please carefully review the rules for participation:
Membership Requirement: ALL individual paper and lightning round presentation submitters and panel/roundtable organizers in the US and abroad MUST be ASEEES members in order to submit a proposal. Please review the membership rules for participation. Renew your membership today:
With any inquiries about the convention, please contact Margaret Manges, the convention manager, at If you need assistance logging into the ASEEES members site or are experiencing other technical difficulties, please contact
Call for Applications: NEW ASEEES Internship Grant Program
Thanks to the generous support of the US-Russia Foundation, ASEEES is pleased to announce the new Internship Grant Program:
This program provides MA, PhD, and professional school students and recent graduates with grants that make it possible for them to accept unpaid or underpaid internships in areas directly related to Russian studies. The program promotes the entry of young scholars with considerable Russian studies expertise into sectors outside of traditional academia. These internships must be in the US and should be substantial in duration and responsibilities, lasting two months for summer internships and four months for internships during a semester in the regular academic year. The grant offers $2,000 a month, to be paid directly to the grantee during their internship. ASEEES is also working to secure funding for a similar program to support internships related to non-Russian aspects of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies.
*Please help us disseminate the information about this new program by sharing this announcement with any interested graduate students and recent graduates.
Deadline: January 13, 2020
CfA: 2020-2021 Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowships and Dissertation Completion Fellowship
The 2020-2021 Stephen F. Cohen-Robert C. Tucker Dissertation Fellowship Program in Russian Historical Studies is open for applications: The program offers up to five (5) Dissertation Research Fellowships and one (1) Dissertation Completion Fellowship. The program is open to US students in PhD programs at US and Canadian universities. We thank the KAT Charitable Foundation for its support of the program.
Deadline: January 21, 2020