Lang. Training/Internship: Ukrainian Museum Archives (Pittsburgh/Cleveland)

Deadline: March 1, 2020

1st-year Ukrainian

1st-year Ukrainian classes taught at the SLI provide the equivalent of an academic year’s worth of study. Classes meet on the University of Pittsburgh campus Monday – Friday from 9am to 3pm. In addition to intensive language classes, students attend Ukrainian films, lectures, and other activities centering on Ukrainian art, food, and culture.

Post-SLI Internship Opportunity for 6-Week Ukrainian Students
SLI is pleased to announce that during the summer of 2020, we are partnering with the Ukrainian Museum-Archives in Cleveland, Ohio to offer a limited number of internships to SLI-Ukrainian students. Students who apply and are accepted to the internship would work at the museum-archives on a project that makes direct use of their newly-acquired knowledge of Ukrainian. Students would also have the opportunity to use the vast resources of the archives to complete a research project related to their academic or career interests. This internship must be taken for academic credit and would commence immediately after the completion of the 6-week beginning Ukrainian course in Pittsburgh. The number of credits taken and the duration of the internship would be negotiated between the applicant, SLI, and the director and curator at the museum-archives. Interested students should contact SLI Managing Director, Kathleen Manukyan, to learn more about this unique opportunity.