Deadline: February 27, 2020
The Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures at The Ohio State University invites applications for the position of Visiting Assistant Professor in Russian culture, beginning August 2020. While area of specialization is open, we are seeking a dynamic scholar of Russian culture who can contribute to department research and teaching strengths in any of the following areas: film (Russian and East European), popular culture, gender, literature, migration studies, and translation. Qualified applicants must hold a PhD in Russian/Slavic languages and cultures or related discipline prior to the appointment start date. Fluency in Russian and English is required. North American classroom teaching experience and proficiency in another Slavic language is desired. The successful candidate will teach four courses per year, both in English and in Russian, will work to establish a study abroad program in a Slavic or East European country, and will contribute to the life of the department. This is a one-year appointment, with the possibility for renewal up to three years, pending need and availability of funds.
Additional Information for Applicants: Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, writing sample, teaching portfolio, and contact information of three referees to Academic Jobs Online. Review of applications will begin on February 28, 2020. Applications will be collected until the position is filled.
To see the full job listing, please visit this link.