International Studies Research Lab (University of Illinois)

Deadline: March 5, 2020

The Center for Global Studies, International and Area Studies Library, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center, European Union Center, and Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are pleased to announce fellowships and research honoraria to support the internationalization of community colleges nationwide. We invite applications from faculty, librarians, and administrators interested in expanding global studies curricula, instruction in less commonly taught languages, library collections or international education programs at their home institutions. Participation in the ISRL provides resources and time for research otherwise unavailable to applicants.

Fellows will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with international and area studies reference librarians and explore the unlimited print and online resources of the University of Illinois Library.International Studies FellowshipsThe Center for Global Studies provides housing for applicants coming from outside the Champaign-Urbana area.  Fellows will be provided parking and up to 7 nights lodging. Research HonorariumAs part of the application, participants are expected to turn in a research or program plan. While in residence at Illinois, all participants are expected to build on this plan and produce a syllabus for a new or updated course, a white paper, a library collection development plan, or a plan for new international education programs. A $1,000 honorarium is available, contingent upon receipt of these materials by August 15, 2020. This honorarium can be used to offset travel expenses and support the implementation of participant’s projects. Collaborative WorkshopParticipants will have the opportunity to share their work, discuss research progress, and establish collaborations in a day-long workshop taking place on July 24, 2020. Individuals specializing in community college engagement will be guest speakers, offering to participants insight into the process of internationalizing curriculum, programs, and library collections.

To apply, please submit an online application by March 5, 2020. 

The 2020 International Studies Summer Lab is open from July 20 – July 31, 2020.

For more information on awards, eligibility, and instructions to apply, visit our website. Participants may visit campus any time during the above dates.