Deadline: September 30, 2020
ICLDC 2021: General Session proposals (papers & posters – deadline: September 30, 2020)
While we especially welcome abstracts that address the conference theme, we also welcome abstracts on other subjects in language documentation and conservation, which may include but are not limited to:
- Archiving and mobilizing language materials
- Ethical issues
- Indigenous language education
- Indigenous sign languages
- Language and its relation to health and well being
- Language planning
- Language reclamation and revitalization
- Language work in the era of covid-19
- Lexicography, grammar, orthography and corpus design
- Multidisciplinary language documentation
- Successful models of documentation
- Technology in documentation and reclamation
- Topics in areal language documentation
- Training and capacity building in language work
- Other
Presentation formats
Papers: To allow for as many presentations as possible, we have decided that all 20-minute paper presentations will be pre-recorded and uploaded to a platform (to be announced) a few weeks before the beginning of the conference. Conference participants will then have an opportunity to watch presentations before the beginning of the conference. During the conference itself, each paper presentation will be given scheduled time for questions and discussion synchronously over Zoom (details of the discussion period will be announced in October 2020). We are also exploring different ways of encouraging interaction asynchronously (e.g., by posting comments and questions) or synchronously throughout the conference.
Posters: To allow for as many poster presentations as possible, posters will be uploaded as a PDF a few weeks prior to the beginning of the conference. Poster presenters will have the option of uploading an accompanying 10 minute audio/video recording walking participants through the poster. Poster presenters will also have the opportunity to interact with participants at a scheduled time during the conference.
All paper and poster presentations will be archived in ScholarSpace, the University of Hawaiʻi Repository, for continued viewing after the end of the ICLDC.
How to prepare your abstract proposal
- Content: Proposals should describe the content of your presentation, including the intended audience and how it relates to the conference themes. Successful abstracts will clearly address the proposed topic’s actual or potential social impacts, outcomes or implications.
- Abstract Length: Please limit your proposal to 400 words, not including references.
- Anonymity: To facilitate blind peer review, please do not include your name or affiliation in your abstract or filename. Your proposal should only include your presentation title, abstract, and list of references (if applicable). If you are including references/citations to your own work in your abstract, please be sure to replace your name(s) with “Author.” For example, if you are Ted Smith and you wrote an article in 2009, which you are citing in your file (i.e., Smith (2009) ), you would change it to “Author (2009).” If you are including a list of references at the end, also make sure to anonymize any of your publications similarly as well.
- Format: Please submit your abstract as a PDF file.
- 50-word summary: Please also prepare a 50-word summary of your abstract for inclusion in the conference program. This will be entered in a separate field in the submission form, not in your abstract PDF file.
Proposal submission
- Abstracts should describe the content of the proposed paper or poster and clearly address the proposed topic’s actual or potential social impacts, outcomes or implications (400 word limit, not including references).
- Language: Abstracts should be submitted in English, but presentations can be in any language. We particularly welcome presentations in languages of the region discussed.
- Most Impactful Paper Awards: Awards for Most Impactful Paper will be given to the three best abstracts by (i) students and/or (ii) members of an underrepresented language community who are actively working to document their heritage language and are not employed by a college or university. If you or one of your co-presenters is eligible, go ahead and mark yourself as eligible accordingly. The Award will come with an honorarium of US$200, supported by the National Science Foundation. If your proposal receives an Award, we will contact you to discuss which eligible person(s) will receive the honorarium. NOTE: Please be advised that the honoraria are considered taxable income under U.S. tax laws. U.S. citizens and residents can expect to receive a 1099 form to figure into their annual tax return for 2021. Non-U.S. citizens/residents will have the applicable taxable amount (typically 30%) deducted from the scholarship check prior to receipt.
- Proposals for papers and posters are due by September 30, 2020, with notification of acceptance by November 1, 2020. Proposals will be submitted through EasyChair. You will need to sign up for a free account, if you don’t already have one.
- June 2020: Call for Proposals announced
- September 30, 2020: Proposal deadline for general papers and posters
- November 1, 2020: Notification of acceptance for general papers and posters
- November 1, 2020: Early registration opens
- January 31, 2021: Early registration deadline; late registration opens February 1
- March 4 – March 7, 2021: 7th ICLDC