CFP: The First Wave of Russian Emigration

Deadline: October 26 2020

The Research Centre for Russian Studies and Methodology invites you to participate in a series of symposia on The First Wave of Russian Emigration, the opening event of which will take place on November 13, 2020, online.

The aim of the opening symposium “The First Wave of Russian Emigration: Focal Points of Research” will be to explore the range of research topics regarding the first wave of Russian emigration with an interdisciplinary approach.

Experts studying the first wave of Russian emigration face a multifaceted set of phenomena, which can be approached from various angles. Besides researching the lives of individual émigrés and personal decision-making strategies, it is possible to group émigrés by geographic, professional, and ideological factors. The examination of these groups, as well as emigree institutions, scientific schools and press may help exploring the dynamics and collective identity of émigré communities.

A different dimension of émigré life may be investigated by examining the works of art and art movements in literature, fine arts and cinematography made by émigrés, about the phenomenon of emigration. The examination of topics such as the history of émigrés returning to the Soviet Union and leaving it again, or the fate of émigrés of different ideological convictions during the Second World War could prove to be especially interesting.

Previously unknown details, less-known heritages, memoires could be explored through a microhistorical approach, while the study of different aspects of Russian emigration may help to make our knowledge – among others – on the Russian revolution and civil war, the processes of foreign policy, as well as interaction of Russian and world culture more accurate.

The first symposium of the series will be held on November 13, 2020, at 10 a.m. (CET), online, on Zoom. The aim of this session will be to explore the range of research topics regarding the first wave of Russian emigration. Presentations at the first symposium will preferably be general introductions of ongoing or planned research topics.

The further online symposia to be held in 2021–22 will focus on developing the topics presented at the first meeting in a workshop format. The aim of the series of symposia is to provide an international, interdisciplinary, inspiring forum for dialogue for experts researching different aspects of the first wave of Russian emigration. Research results of the series will be published at the end of the joint work process.

Duration of presentations: 15 minutes
Languages of the symposium: Russian and English
Application deadline: October 26, 2020
Approval of applications: November 2, 2020
Mode of application: through Google Form The application includes the title, as well as a max. 1000-character summary of the planned presentation

Participation at the symposium is free of charge.