Pre-ASEEES Conference Workshop: Shredding the Map: Poetic Geographies of Revolutionary Russia (1914-1922)

Event Date: November 5, 2020

Digital Humanities in the Slavic Field is pleased to present the ASEEES 2020 pre-conference workshop:

Shredding the Map: Poetic Geographies of Revolutionary Russia (1914-1922)

Thursday, Nov 5, 9:30-11:30 a.m. EST
Virtual Convention Platform, Room 1 (link available via ASEEES program or see below)

Edith W. Clowes, Anna Gomboeva, Aaron Thomas (Slavic, U. Virginia)

Cynthia Girard, Susanna Klosko, Worthy Martin (IATH, U. Virginia)

What do you imagine when you think of “home” and “homeland?” Join us to learn how our new website investigates Russian writers’ “mapping” of their war-time homeland. Around 1917, as Russia itself crumbled, older ways of thinking about the country gave way to fresh, more vibrant images and feelings of place. “Poetic Geographies” is creating a literary topography of Russia during the years of war and revolution, based on an innovative concept of place and grounded in our expanding database of more than 600 works by writers, both famous and unknown, who lived and wrote in these tumultuous years.

The goal of the workshop is to introduce the project to you and invite you to join us for whatever facet of the project interests you. We welcome more partners!

As many of you know, we are online and virtual this year. Everyone can attend the workshop, but we ask that anyone who is NOT registered for the conference or a member of ASEEES please complete this form:
We’ll give your email to the conference organizers to be sure you can get into the Zoom room.

Please contact Andy Janco for more info <>.