Funding and Graduate Summer Intensive Language Training, Info Sessions (Arizona State University)

From Critical Languages Institute (CLI), ASU Melikian Center:

We wanted especially to emphasize the opportunities for your graduate students (including current undergraduates who look to begin graduate school in fall 2021!) with US citizenship to study the less commonly taught languages of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. We will once again be able to offer 24 students Title VIII fellowships of up to $10,000. Students will earn up to 13 credit hours, including a 1-credit online graduate class specifically designed for Title VIII recipients. This course connects students in different language programs, provides comparative perspectives on the post-Soviet world, and builds professional capacities in communicating their expertise to audiences beyond their academic specialty. Languages currently eligible for Title VIII support are Albanian, Armenian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS), Kazakh, Macedonian, Polish, Russian (3rd year or higher), Ukrainian, and Uzbek.

For more information, and to apply, please see our Title VIII info page:

Throughout our 2020 program and afterwards, we have heard from many of our students that participating in CLI 2020 has enabled them to embark on their dissertation research, apply for grants and scholarships to support research and/or further language study, fulfill their major requirements, and pursue career paths that fill them with excitement. (You can hear some of our 2020 students, as well as our 2019 students, discuss their CLI experiences on our website: At this point we do not know whether CLI will be online or in person in the summer of 2021, but we can confidently say that we will provide our students with highly effective language training and the world of opportunities that come with it.

In the coming weeks, we will hold 3 Zoom information sessions on the CLI program and available funding.

  • CLI 2021 Information Sessions Schedule:
    • Monday, December 14th at 2 pm MST/4 pm EST
    • Wednesday, December 16th at 12 pm MST/2 pm EST
    • Thursday, December 17th 10 am MST/12 pm EST
  • Zoom link: