Dr. McAteer’s book should appeal to anyone interested in the history of translation from Russian, or indeed the histories of individual translators, or possibly anyone who has ever read a Russian novel as a Penguin Classic. She focuses on the cohort of translators who worked with Penguin in the 1950s to bring out the first batch of Penguin Russian Classics, including David Magarshack’s famous versions of Dostoevsky, but she continues her survey through the following decades, examining such hot spots as the race to publish Solzhenitsyn in English or the fates of women translators like Babette Deutsch. And most usefully, this book can be read or downloaded for free anywhere in the world, so it is easy to access or include on a reading list.
You can read more and access the book here: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/translating-great-russian-literature-cathy-mcateer/10.4324/9781003049586
Please do visit the project website, www.rustrans.ac.uk, or subscribe to the blog if you would like to follow our continuing research on Russian-to-English literary translation.
Publication of this book was subsidized by the University of Exeter’s Open Access fund and supported by the European Research Council (ERC). Dr McAteer is Postdoctoral Fellow on the University of Exeter’s RusTrans project, which investigates the history and praxis of Russian-to-English literary translation, funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 802437).