Deadline: July 4, 2021
The First Wave of Russian Emigration | Symposium series 2020–22
The Research Centre for Russian Studies and Methodology of Eötvös Loránd Univeristy (Budapest), the A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS (Moscow), the Historical Faculty of Ural Federal University (Yekaterinburg) and the Vyacheslav Ivanov Research Centre (Rome) invites you to participate in the 3rd event of
a series of symposia on The First Wave of Russian Emigration,
which will take place on July 15–16, 2021, online.
The aim of the 3rd symposium
“The First Wave of Russian Emigration: Emigration and the Press”
will be to explore the range of current research topics regarding the press of and about the first wave of Russian emigration.
Papers in Russian or English are expected on the following sub-topics:
· History, publication forms, repertoire; editorial policy, reputation of specific emigrant periodicals;
· The history of emigrant publishing houses (individuals, groups, collectives);
· The press as a verbal space for self-reflective émigré political philosophy and historiography;
· The role of the press in preserving national identity; the image of Russia and Russian culture in the emigrant press;
· Self-definition of the emigration in the emigrant press by representatives of the first wave (interferences between the first and the second waves);
· The image of the emigration in the local (non-emigrant) press;
· The image of the emigration in the Soviet press;
· Émigrés’ activity in non-emigrant media;
· Russian emigrants in movie-journals
The first symposium of the series was held on 13 November, 2020. The second symposium of this series was also held in the Zoom-room of the Research Centre for Russian Studies and Methodology of the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest on 1–2 April, 2021.Videos of the first symposium are available on the YouTube channel of the Budapest Russian Centre.
In 2021, according to the plans of the organizers, one more online symposium will take place to complete the series. The preliminary date of the closing event which will focus on historiosophy and ego-documents is the 26th of November.
The series of symposia forms an international, interdisciplinary, and inspiring platform for experts researching different aspects of the first wave of Russian emigration. Research results of the series will be published at the end of the joint work process.
Duration of presentations: 15 minutes
Languages of the symposium: Russian and English
Application deadline: 4 July, 2021
Approval of applications: 8 July, 2021
Applications are accepted via Google Form:
In the application form an abstract of your subject is necessary (up to 1000 characters with spaces)
Participation at the symposium is free of charge.